LADIES: 7 Things Guys Will Never Discover During $*X with You (VERY IMPORTANT)


According to $*x expert, Ian Kerner, PhD, author of “She Comes First”, most guys aren’t seeing or thinking straight during $*x because they’re too busy being overtaken by a neurochemical cocktail—a mix of the love hormone oxytocin, tεst0stεronε, and the plεasμrε neurotransmitter dopamineand your sεxinεss. So, if you’re worried about your “fupa” or the fact that your th!ghs touch—don’t.

Your B’rεast Shape
Trust us: Only you notice that your left tata is slightly larger than your right. Most men are just excited to be in close proximity to your girls, Kerner says- they could care less what size they are, or even if they are two different

Your Bacne
Sure, we all want perfect, smooth skin, but really how often does that happen? A last-minute scramble to cover up imperfections is pretty much in vain, says expert Darren Michaels,” Don’t worry if you have a breakout on your back or a few zits on your bμtt, your guy will be so busy grabbing it, he won’t notice.

Your Sweat
While they might seem gross to you, your natural odour and sweat can be a huge turn-0n to guys, Kerner says. So, unless you haven’t showered in days, don’t worry if you’re getting a little overheated. That’s kinda the point, right?

Your Stubble
So, you didn’t have time to shave your legs or your bikini area pre-$*x? Kerner says that if you have a little stubble down there, a guy is certainly not going to get bent out of shape over it… or even notice.

Your Hair and Makeup
Guys won’t know whether your hair is up or down, or whether you’re wearing make-up or not during $*x, so don’t stress it. In fact, kerner warns that worrying about how you look during $*x will scrεw with your ability to get lost in the $εnsations. And that’s definitely no good. So, do what makes you feel confident, but there’s no need to go overboard.

Your Tightness
Most guys won’t be calculating how your v@g!na compares to previous partners, Kerner says. While “kegεl exercises” never hurts, there’s no need to stress about your tightness. You’re going to feel pretty damn good, no matter what.
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