How To Get Any Man Begging For A Relationship

What if there was a book that reveals all of the secrets of the male psyche and the way to a man’s heart?

Bestselling author Claire Casey and relationship guru Michael Fiore teamed up to develop ‘Capture His Heart and Make Him Love You Forever’. What makes this e-book special is that it is full of great insights and advice from both a male and female perspective
You will learn what men really want and then armed with this information, you will be able to make the man you desire fall madly in love with you.

The program is perfect for people who need relationship advice, but can’t afford to spend thousands of dollars on a relationship therapist.

So if you’re looking for the “secret code to a guy’s heart”, ‘Capture His Heart and Make Him Love You Forever’ may be the program for you.

If you want to learn how to attract the man of your dreams,


-Contributed by – Amy Waterman, a professional writer specializing in attraction and dating, most specifically marriage counseling and relationship guidance. Amy is also the co-author of “

trg-image00000009Are you married to an addict or someone with deep personal issues?

Is your marriage or family life going through a difficult time because of problems, financial concerns, abuse, or caring for a physically or emotionally handicapped family member?
If so, do you find yourself making excuses for these issues?

Calling in sick for your alcoholic husband? Taking over the housework because your poor spouse is just too depressed to help? Denying that abuse is going on in your own home? Do you find yourself taking charge and bearing the burdens of the entire marriage or family?

You may be a codependent and this is a serious issue in marriages and families.

You may have learned to be codependent due to your family background. It happened in your family so you tend to be attracted to the same situation once you marry.

You may have learned behaviors such as making excuses, tuning out, controlling, excessive caretaking, being hyper-vigilant because you feel that you should do something to save your family from shame or to at least diffuse the situation and keep the peace.

You also do this because you desire to be needed and fear of doing anything that would change the relationship. Unfortunately, while such behaviors may reduce conflict and tension for the meantime, they won’t help for the long term.

All you are doing is reinforcing the situation and even, allowing it to worsen. You are also allowing yourself to be lost within the situation and, in the long run, may find yourself no longer able to cope.

What can you do to overcome codependence in your marriage and family life?

If you are reading this article and have come to recognize that you do have this problem, congratulations. That is the first step in beginning to overcome codependence. Admit that you have a problem and take steps to begin changing it. It will require both self-help and professional help.

More often than not, these issues stem from deep seated psychological problems. Don’t let shame keep you from seeking the help of a counselor or psychologist. Additionally, there are programs similar to Codependents’ Anonymous that will help you process your issues and provide you with tools on how to overcome them.
Your partner or family member may also need professional help, especially if they are battling clinical conditions or addiction. Work at getting them the help they need, whether they want it or not.

If there is abuse in your home, more radical steps must be taken. For the sake of your own self-respect and for your children, if you have any, break away from the situation. Find a shelter or group that will help you gain your independence and help you through healing and recovery.

Codependents need healing too and, once recognized, you should not allow the situation to continue. Get help.

You may be making mistakes that will jeopardize your marriage recovery course has helped save thousands of marriages and is guaranteed to deliver results.

Meet the newly-wed husband and wife who look like identical twins

They appear to be two young women who are tying the knot in a same-s3* marriage – but when you delve
deeper, the reality is considerably more complicated.

This is because the brides, who appear near identical in their wedding photos, are actually a heteros3*ual couple living in Russia, where gay and lesbian unions are forbidden and frowned upon in public.

On the right is Dmitry Kozhukhov, who prefers to be called Alina Davis. The 23-year-old, born male, labels herself as ‘androgyne’, which means she doesn’t fit neatly into one gender identity. That said, Alina feels more comfortable as a woman – and remains strongly attracted to other females.

Credit: Wow-omg


Are the ladies giving you a hard time? Are you one of those men who have never been that suave ladies man but always wanted to be? Do you think the ladies are the problem? or is it you?

Author and professional pick up artist Joshua Pellicer has written a book that can help you overcome your fears of approaching women and will give you the skills to pick up any woman you want! He has appeared on many radio talk shows, television interviews and now hosts his own radio talk show called “Game On” which provides dating tips for men.
Does it work? Well… just listen to a few of his free tips with girls and strange facts in the video at the bottom of this article and you’ll totally get what I’m talking about… The guy is a friggin genius and I wish I had known about these tips a long time ago. I would have been able
to take advantage of dozens of situations to easily nail it and get the girl.
The book is based on Joshua’s research in psychology, self help books and dating programs he has been through, and his experience.  Joshua himself proclaims to previously have been unsuccessful with women. He developed his own theory and system, based on a lot of research, which is now spreading like wild fire throughout the world and is being used by hundreds and thousands of men internationally. This book is literally a bestseller, and I must tell you, at first, I was very skeptical about this whole thing, but when the tips started flowing and I started realizing and understanding female behavior, it’s as if I became a lion hunting for prey. My self confidence has risen so much since I started using the techniques in his book. If you’re struggling with girls, you owe it to yourself. This book is a must-have for any 18+ single dude out-there, trust me on this one!
When you join this program, you’ll get a book and videos teaching you about how to alter your perception of women as well as what they are looking for in a man, to help you overcome your fear of approaching them. This is done in several ways:
First, Joshua breaks some myths about women’s expectations of men. He discusses common mistakes both men and women make in the dating world. Here are some examples:
It is a misconception that women are attracted to money. They are attracted to success, in whatever form that may be. Just because you do not have money does not mean the woman will not like you. Be confident.
It is not all about what magazines tell you about outer appearance. 97% of women say that bald heads can be sexy. 89% of women find that big, steroid muscles on men can be repulsive. It is not about your looks. It is about the vibe you give out. It is about attracting her.
He also teaches you how to exude confidence.
Pellicer teaches body language in both men and women. He teaches how to read a woman’s body language and send the messages you want with yours.
For example, here are some free tips I’m sharing with you, these tips will make a huge difference right away in your approach when you talk to a girl, and that’s just a small drop in the ocean of super cool and easy tips the dude has to share, so check these free tips out:
When approaching a woman, do not face your chest straight toward her too early. This can seem both intimidating and needy. Keep your chest slightly turned away at first.
When you are speaking with a woman, look at a her mouth. This is called a “sexual trigger” and makes the woman subconsciously think of sleeping with you. Do not do this the whole time, because she might think you are strange and creepy. But take glances at her lips occasionally.
In his book, Joshua also gives some unbelievable pick up lines as well as explaining how to hold a conversation that is sure to impress…
With these tips, rules, and guides (and many more within the book), Joshua states that he can turn most men into dating machines!
A fellow dating program author, Goran Nikilov, said “This  dating book for males is awesome but for those who do not know how to approach females it is a must, for the ones who have that fear of rejection in them – especially!”
The bottom line is that this guide will teach you how to attract a lot of women if you practice practice practice, but don’t expect it to work overnight.


If you’ve gone through a break up and are desperate for your love back, there is an answer! Any relationship, no matter how much damage has been done, can be salvaged.
Most people have experienced the pain and distress of an unwanted break up. The feeling of not wanting to get out of bed in the morning, and not being able to function. Of either having no appetite at all, or binge eating in an attempt to eat painful emotions. The inability to listen to the radio because every single song brings up agonizing feelings. Most people have experienced the crazy urge to check their phones and e-mails a hundred times a day to see if they’ve received any messages from their ex. The massive depression that comes along with an unwanted break up, and the inability to stop rehearsing over and over what should have been said. It’s enough to drive any person crazy.  If you
haven’t experienced any of this, then you’re one of the lucky ones.
While some breakups are truly for the best, some only bring regret, and the “should have” or “shouldn’t have” internal monologues. Some breakups involve two people who are still madly in love, but bad decisions and lack of appreciation muddled the relationship, and left the partners not knowing what else to do. Not knowing how to wipe the slate clean and fix things other than ending it. These types of breakups lead to regret, sadness, and a whole other depressing list of symptoms. The good news is it doesn’t have to remain that way. There is a way to start fresh, to recapture the heart of your lover who just had enough, and couldn’t take anymore.
Most relationships actually can be salvaged, and T.W. Jackson, an expert on reading and interacting with people, can tell you exactly how. In The Magic Of Making Up he shares the “recipe for love”. Exactly how to get your relationship back, no matter how bad your break-up was. Now Jackson isn’t a love doctor, he hasn’t studied relationships. He’s not going to regurgitate the same useless relationship advice that you read in magazine after magazine. He’s a military brat, who’s experienced all types of people from all over the world his whole life, and has figured out how they work. And his advice really does work.
With The Magic Of Making Up you’ll receive:
  • The fast forward technique, how to get your head on straight and start feeling better immediately after a break up
  • The tell tale signs that you still hold a special place in your ex’s heart
  • What people crave the most, and need in their relationships
  • When to apologize and when you shouldn’t
  • The fastest and shortest path back into your ex’s heart
  • The clean slate method, that will essentially allow you to turn back time
  • The instant reconnect technique
  • How to recapture your romance
  • The list goes on and on…