Marriage could be the best thing that could happen in your life and could also be the worst thing you would ever experience if not done at the right time.
I was drawn to a recent comment by a reader asking when the right time is to get married. That’s a very important question but it isn’t one that should be answered in a hurry. Such a question is one that has so many answers coming together to give the perfect answer.
So many things influences when the right time for marriage actually is and the right time could differ from person to person, no matter their age. I would share some of the necessary things to consider to really know it’s the right time.
It’s highly important that meeting the right person would go a long way in determining the success or failure of your marriage. You might love the wrong person and end up having a marriage that would be marred with unhappiness, violence and regrets. Marriage is a bigger deal than a mere relationship; falling in love isn’t just the ultimate but falling in love with the right partner.
Like I mentioned earlier, marriage is a bigger deal than relationships, it comes with a host of responsibilities. The man has a role to play, the woman has a role to play as well, and playing those roles effectively comes with massive responsibilities; grooming your children and being a good role model to them is also a big responsibility and if you aren’t ready for these responsibilities, you would be put under pressure and your marriage could crash afterwards.
You just have to be sure of your feelings. I always tell people that love and lust are two identical twins that can’t be separated at first viewing. You have to be sure that you are really in love and not in lust, you have to be sure that you can still look at your partner in the next twenty years and be proud that you married such a partner, you have to be sure that you aren’t going into the marriage for wrong and selfish reasons.
Relationship needs maturity to be successful; however, marriage needs a higher level of maturity to pass through the rough patches that you may encounter. To be a faithful partner needs a higher level of discipline and maturity; to be an understanding and tolerant partner needs maturity. Everything about a successful marriage has a lot to do with maturity.
Life is filled with different kinds of pressures and different pressures for different reasons. Marital pressure is one of those common pressures people face in life. I must reiterate marriage isn’t something someone should be pressured into. When you are pressed into it, it could be a ditch; you have to be ready for yourself and not because the society pressures you into marriage. After all, the same society would castigate and probably criticise you if your marriage fails. So never walk into the trap of pressure, walk into marriage when your mind tells you ‘you are ready.
You are ready when your partner is ready; you shouldn’t get married to a partner that isn’t ready to be married to you yet, the chance that the marriage could crash is quite high. You have to be ready and your partner has to be ready too, else the outcome might not really be favourable.

These things and a host of others go a long way in determining you are ready. A happy marriage should be the motivation for marriage, not just getting married for unwholesome reasons. Don’t jump into a ship that you don’t know the captain.


Men are always curious as to what parts of a woman’s body is the most sensitive to touch; well fellas, today is your lucky day as science has confirmed the spots women are most sensitive to.
Canadian scientists did a research to figure out which parts of a woman’s body are the most erogenous. The researchers studied 3o healthy women between the ages of 18 and 35, undressed and lay on a table covered in a bed sheet, used light touch, pressure and vibration to assess how sensitive women’s’ clitoris, labia minora, vaginal margin, anal margin, lateral breast (side boob), areola (the small ring of skin surrounding the nipple), nipple, neck and forearm area.
They applied stimulation for 1.5 seconds, and waited for five seconds before asking the women if they felt it.
The research which was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found out these three as the most sensitive areas:
-          For a light touch the neck, forearm, and vaginal margin are the most sensitive areas, and the areola is the least sensitive.
-          For pressure, the clitoris and nipple are the most sensitive, and the side boob and abdomen are the least.
-          The clitoris and nipple are the most sensitive to vibration.
Another interesting thing they found was that the genital area was more sensitive to pressure than light touch.
However, the researchers say that understanding these sensitive areas is useful knowledge for breast augmentation and gender reassignment surgery.


We all want our marriage or relationship to be a happy one but sometimes we just don’t know what to do. The truth is there is no simple formula out there to make your marriage or relationship a happy one but there are some secrets all happy couples have in common.
Below are 5 secrets of happy couples
1. THEY APPRECIATE THEMSELVES: after being in a marriage or relationship for a very long time, it’s so easy to take your partner for granted. Couples that have maintained a happy union over a long period of time would tell you that they learnt to always appreciate each other and they try not to take anything for granted no matter how little the act is.
2. SEX ISN’T A COMMODITY: it’s common for couples to say no sex when they are angry. Happy couples understand sex should be a form of showing love and not a means of showing power when things go wrong. If you are angry about something, it’s important you speak to your partner about it and not use sex as a means of negotiating.
3. THEY SPEND QUALITY TIME TOGETHER: time spent together matters if you want a happy and successful relationship. They celebrate their anniversaries, visit exotic places together etc. Happy couples value time spent together with their partners.
4. THEY HAVE SECRET CODES: every happy couple have a special way of communicating when they are with other people. They alone know these signs. It could be the use of the eye or fingers. Using these secret sign languages help bond couples. Every happy couple knows this.
5. THEY KNOW THE IMPORTANCE OF PET NAMES: pet names help increase intimacy between couples and every happy couple knows this. It also helps couples feel close to one another.

There are lots of secrets happy couples share but these 5 secrets listed above would surely help you build a happy relationship. We should also not forget love and trust is important if you want your relationship to last.


ladies talking
It isn’t unusual that when some women get married they tend to slightly disassociate with their former (single) friends and probably form a new circle of friends.
I stumbled across a piece nicely written by stylish psychologist, Adejoro Olumofin. He titled this “Let’s talk Volume 1. (Should married women cut off their single friends?)”
Psychometrics has shown that some married women cut off their single friends. This has ended long term friendships, even with siblings, caused envy, strained childhood relationships and created bitter rivalries.
Should married women have only married friends?  Some married women who have cut their friends off claim that:
(1) Their focus has changed and they no longer have similar interests or anything in common with their single friends.
(2) They don’t want to get tempted back into single ladies behavioural pattern or lifestyle such that they develop a level of respect for being married.
(3) They don’t want their single friends close to their husbands because of temptation on both sides as well as keeping boundaries of respect for their spouse.
(4) They believe that single ladies are jealous of them and could therefore be a threat to their marriage in one way or another.
(5) Disapproval of certain friends from the spouse.
(6) Some friends have always opposed and still oppose their marriage and are always looking to pick a fault in either the spouse or the marriage.
(7) The feeling of superiority over single friends from the idea that there is somewhat a level attained above them.
(8)Protection from talking to friends about their marriages and giving them the gun to use against them.
Are these reasons valid and true?
This does not apply to all married women obviously but this is a very popular phenomenon in Nigeria.
There is no fixed solution or stand on this because what works for Mrs “A” may not work for Mrs “B”, this is relative to individuals. Everyone knows what works for them, the type of friends they have and the type of husbands they have. Some friends may have ill motives and some friends may not, some husbands may chase your friends, some husbands may not.
Let’s make sure whatever decision we make is based on best interest for the marriage to work and for all parties but always beneficial to us.
Also make sure to put facts into consideration. i.e. the history you have with some friends and your husband’s personality. If you have any friend that has a history of snatching your boyfriends then you clearly don’t want her near your husband. Same if you have friends who are always in competition with you or backbiting you etc.
Don’t cut your friends off because people are doing it. Rather establish there a balance between all relationships including family, friendship and marriage


There are some basic elements a man possesses that could trigger a woman’s emotion or mind-set, and when her emotions have been triggered anything can happen from them onwards.
If you have some or most of these features then you would have the ladies coming in their droves but if you have none of them then getting a lady to admire you would really be a tough one.
Have fun fellas as I bring you seven features most women respond to.
Most women are attracted to confidence even without knowing, confidence has a way of hiding flaws and showing just the catchy side of a person. A lady sees a man with confidence as someone who knows what he’s doing. When a man is confident, he radiates in everything he does and the ladies respond to such a man.
A study conducted by Stanford University School of Medicine in 2013 found that women have evolved to date men that make them laugh. A man that can put a smile on a lady’s face has a higher chance of also winning her heart; that is if he doesn’t go too far in making a fool of himself.
There is usually something about how a man talks that triggers a lady’s response. Have you ever heard a lady say “I just like the way he talks”? Men with somewhat baritone voice always make the hairs on a lady’s back stand.
Have you read 5 reasons every woman is attracted to a well-dressed man? A man that has a lovely fashion style is usually a lady’s delight-he’s seen as attractive and classy.

Money answers all things they say, and that bold statement is so not far away from the truth (you can even call it the truth if you may). A rich man is a lady’s delight—he’s classy, lives a posh life and can afford almost everything he wants—now that is attractive. A study carried out by psychologist George Gallup and his colleagues at the University at Albany found that women have stronger orgasms if their partner is rich and funny; now that’s the power of money.
If you don’t have the aforementioned features then at least be intelligent for your own sake. A man who knows so many things about so many things is an attractive man. Such a person might not get the hot ladies in high school, but at a later stage of life, he surely would because women at that age have matured and wouldn’t get carried away with the superficial things the young girls normally get attracted to.
A man’s smile can actually be very charming and most ladies would really respond to such a man. Have you ever wondered why the lady’s man in most romance novels is usually characterised with a charming smile? The lady’s whole body system and hormones would easily warm up to such a man.

Any of these features would definitely get ladies attracted to you and you can be the ladies’ man— who says you can’t?