Why Are Men So Difficult? The 8 Big Differences Between Men’s and Women’s Brains

men-woman-brainMany women find it incredibly difficult to understand men. What you ladies need to understand is that we are totally different, and instead of giving up, all of us should try to embrace the differences and accept each other for who we really are. Only then, we can use all of this knowledge to our advantage. The following article illustrates the differences between the sexes and explains how you
can use these differences to your advantage.

Modern science has allowed us to study the male and female brains and come up with conclusions as to why we are so different. This is mainly down to how our brains are structured, and that’s what this article is about. It will not teach you how to make him fall in love with you but it will show you why we are so different and as soon as you understand these differences and accept them as
Human Relationships:
 Women communicate much better than men, they focus on how to create a solution that works for the entire group, talking through issues, and utilizes non-verbal cues such as tone, emotion and empathy. Men on the other hand, tend to be more task oriented, less talkative and more isolated. Men have a hard time understanding emotions that are not spoken, while women tend to intuit emotions and emotional cues. These differences clearly explain why men and women sometimes have difficulty in communication and why men-to-men friendships look different from friendships among women.

What does this mean? If you ever had a conversation with a man and got deep into a subject but yet felt like you spoke a completely different language well, this is to blame. In your first steps to understanding men this is the first thing you need to comprehend, MEN ARE DIFFERENT. They are so different in fact that sometimes we can’t even communicate but, if you can try to lower yourself to our level of communication, which means vocalizing the majority of your emotions, you’ll have a much better chance at properly communicating with a man.

Now, I’m not telling you to vocalize absolutely everything that you’re feeling but when a man asks you if something is wrong and you say “Nothing” you need to understand that unless you actually TELL HIM what’s wrong, he won’t have the slightest clue. Sure, you’re best friends get you and maybe even your husband if you’ve been together for years but, the average guy or even your 2 year long boyfriend won’t. Lowering yourself down to our more simple way of communicating will only make life easier for all of us.

Left brain vs both hemispheres: Experts have proven that men process better in the left hemisphere while women tend to process equally well between the two hemispheres. This difference clearly shows why men are stronger with left-brain activities and approach problem solving from a task-oriented perspective while women typically solve problems more creatively and are more aware of feelings while communicating.

What does this mean? This task oriented approach means men think in the following manner when trying to solve a problem:  “In order to solve this problem I will need to get this done first, then this other thing, then this and then they all fit into place and get this done”. Multitasking? There’s no such thing as multitasking when it comes to men…This also explains why men get angry when you are multitasking (e.g talking to them and doing something else) because they simply can’t understand what you’re doing. This is another prime example that will get you closer to accepting just how different men are and proves why men are better in some jobs (programming, business) and women in others (teaching, caretaking).

Mathematical Abilities: An area in the brain called the inferior-parietal lobule (IPL) is typically significantly larger in men, especially on the left side, than in women. This is the section responsible with mathematical ability, and probably explains why men perform higher in mathematical tasks than do women. What’s even more interesting is that this area of the brain that was abnormally large in Einstein. The IPL also processes sensory information, and the larger right side in women allows them to focus on, “specific stimuli, such as baby crying in the night”.

Reaction to stress: In stress situation men have a response reaction that resembles “fight or flight” while women react with a “tend and befriend” strategy. Psychologist Shelly E. Taylor first came up with the phrase “tend an befriend” after noticing that during times of stress women tend to take care of themselves and their children (tending) and form strong group bonds (befriending). The reason behind these different reactions to stress is down to hormones. When someone is under stress the hormone oxytocin is released into the body. 
In men, testosterone reduces the effects of oxytocin as it is produced in high volumes during stress; this explains the reason for the “fight or flight” response. In women, estrogen amplifies the effects of oxytocin resulting in calming and nurturing feelings.

Language: The two sections in the brain which are responsible for language have been found to be significantly larger in women than in men, indicating one reason why women typically excel in language-based subjects and in language-associated thinking. It’s also important to mention that men typically process language in one hemisphere whilst women process it in both. This differences offers a bit of protection in case of a stroke, as women may be able to recover fully from a stroke affecting the language areas in the brain while men may not have this same advantage.

Emotions: The most obvious difference is probably the emotions. Women have 
a larger deep limbic system than men, it allows them o be more in touch with their feelings and better able to express themselves, which promotes bonding with others. This is one of the reasons why women serve as caregivers for children. Sadly this comes with a downside as this larger deep limbic system also opens women up to depression, especially during times of hormonal shifts such as after childbirth or during a woman’s menstrual cycle.

What does this mean? Again, as I’ve mentioned above, women are much better at communicating than men so, if you want to be understood by a man you need to lower yourself to his level of communication. Vocalize what you are feeling and he will have a much easier time in understanding you. Don’t give up saying, “ah men don’t understand me”, try to make them understand and you will see that your love life success will greatly improve.

Also, it’s worth mentioning that some men understand these differences themselves and will, in turn, try to take advantage of your emotional brain by making you feel good all of the time. Sure, this may sound great, but in reality many of the men that understand this concept, often use it for their own benefit (I know because I used to do it…). However, it’s also important to note that many of these men live to please and if you can “keep” them you’re on the right track for a lifetime of happiness.
*We’ll look into the types of men and how to keep them, in the newsletter.*

Brain Size: Typically, men’s brains are 11-12% bigger than women’s brains. Sadly, this difference in size has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence, but does explain the difference in size between men and women. Men need a bigger brain to control their bigger bodies and muscles.

Pain: Men and women perceive pain differently. Studies have shown that women need more morphine to reach the same level of pain reduction. They have also shown that woman vocalize their pain and seek treatment much quicker than men. During pain, an area of the brain called the amygdala is activated. Research has shown that in men the right amygdala (controls external functions) is activated and in women the left amygdala (controls internal functions) is activated. This is the reason women seem to perceive pain more intensely than men, although they can withstand higher levels of pain (childbirth).

So what can we draw from this article? Most importantly the fact that men and women are completely different. This is actually funny when you think about it because we can’t live without each other. Couples are essentially a better human being. Because both the male and female perspectives are shared regarding any life situation, life as a couple should be genuinely easier than single life.

What can you do with this sort of information? Men love women that they can connect to, although we may never reach the same level of communication, by vocalizing your emotions more often you’ll have a higher chance of connecting with a man.

Also, by understanding what this article tried to explain (that we are incredibly different) you can change your perception on men and instead getting upset and saying “You don’t understand me!”…you can laugh inside and think to yourself, “Haha, you don’t have the ability to understand me, you primitive creature”.

If you want to get the full scoop behind the male mind and go way beyond what this article is teaching, I urge you to consider having a look at Mike Fiore’s presentation… it will blow you away! Click here to watch the video

4 Things You Should Never Do When You’re In a Relationship

So you finally found the person of your dreams and the two of you are as happy as happy can be. It’s love, real love. Now it’s time for the rest of the world to find that out. And you’ll show them. You’re going to be as free and happy together expressing your love in public as you are when you’re alone together. Unfortunately, that’s what’s driving everyone around you insane. Here is an idea of some of the things that you might be doing in your relationship that everyone hates.
1. Flirting on Facebook
No one wants to hear that the two of you had sex that morning—even if you talk about it in the vaguest terms. Flirting on Facebook or Twitter is the kind of thing that other people can’t avoid unless they stop following your posts. That’s a hard position to put someone in, but your internet kissy faces at each other are just the kind of thing that would make someone make that kind of decision. Pictures are okay. Sharing what you did over the weekend is okay. Just don’t make us all a part of your personal, flirty conversations. That’s what private messages are for.

2. Baby Talk
There is a limit to how much society can put up with. Most people draw the line at having to listen to a pair of adults talk like babies. If you and your partner are guilty of talking like a couple of cutsie wootsie toddlers to each other at home, that’s fine. If you think that it is okay to expose the rest of the world to a constant drip of sugar-coated nonsense, you have forgotten how annoying that can sound. Please save the baby talk for when the two of you talk to each other. Alone.

3. Pitying the Single
You used to be just like your single friends. Have things really changed that much? Since you’ve been together with your new love interest, the rest of your friends have all become tragic cases to you, pitiful and alone. What’s worse, not only is this a topic that you and your partner have shared with each other, you’re trying to solve it, like your single friends are problems to be solved. They can tell that you now think of them as broken people, and guess what? They don’t like it. Your new relationship is great, but that doesn’t mean something like it will fix other people’s lives. Accept your friends for who they are, and they’ll accept the two of you.

4. Sharing Relationship Secrets
The two of you are on a whole other level of intimacy. There are things the two of you do and share with each other that you may have never done with anybody else in the world. It’s not just about what you guys do during sex. Sharing intimate knowledge of your partner’s thoughts and feelings with other people is just wrong. Your friends may be gossip-hungry, but that doesn’t mean you should feed them

25 Must-FollowRelationship Rules for Happy Love

To many people, love is tricky and confusing.And to many others, love is just a mirage.They may be in a relationship and still never experience true love.

But every new relationship has the potential to blossom into something spectacular and wonderful, just as long as you remember the relationship rules that matter the most.Relationship rules for successful loveThere are a few relationship rules that can change a drifting relationship into a romantic one.But as trivial and simple as they may seem, it’s something that needs a lot of effort and dedication to achieve.Someone once said that falling in love should be effortless.

True, falling in love is easy, but staying in love always needs a bit of work. Just as long as working on a relationship feels less like work and more like fun, you should be just fine.

25 relationship rules that matterFollow these relationship rules in your ownrelationship, irrespective of whether it’s new or old. As long as you’re committed tocreating a better relationship, you’d have no trouble creating a magical experience out of love.

#1Try your best to love your partner unconditionally even if it seems hard not to be selfish.

#2Think from your partner’s perspective when it comes to matters of the heart.

#3End an argument as soon as possible, even if hugging your partner is the last thing on your mind.

#4Make love regularly, but never allot times for it. Scheduling a time for sex makes it a chore that can start to become a bore.

#5Communicate with each other and growtogether in love, but never grow apart with lack of communication as the years pass by.

#6Learn to give space to each other to become better individuals. Even the closest of relationships need some alone time to miss each other now and then.

#7Never take each other for granted. This is the easiest way to fall prey to affairs andarguments.

#8Say a white lie when you need to, especially if it’s a little lie that won’t change your relationship, but will make your partner feel happy.

#9Never shy away from positive criticism. As long as you say it in a constructive manner, it’ll help your partner become a better person.

#10Be the shoulder to lean on, no matter what. Tough times are the most testing phases of a relationship. Stand by your partner, and when the storm ends, love willshine brighter.

#11Never argue in public, but indulge in public display of affection.

#12Date each other even if you’ve been together for years. It keeps the love alive. [Read:How to stay in love forever]

#13Look sexy for each other, and that includes a flat tummy. Just because you’rein a relationship doesn’t mean you should let yourself go and look shabby.

#14Compliment your partner, even if it’s a regular chore or habit. Compliments are the best way to thank a special someone for the effort they’ve taken for you, however small it may be.

#15Celebrate the special days. Birthdays and anniversaries may repeat itself too many times, but it’s these milestones that create memories.

#16Never intentionally try to make your partner feel bad or look bad. It’ll leave a lasting scar that can hurt the relationship.

#17Learn to forgive without holding grudges. As hard as it may be, forgiveness is one of the qualities of true love that matters most in a relationship.

#18Respect your partner whole heartedly.

#19Understand that your partner can havecrushes on others too. It’s a difficult thought, but if you admire someone else, so can your partner. [Read:Insecurity in a relationship]

#20Trust your partner and your instincts, even if others say otherwise.

#21Never grumble or badmouth each other even if you’re tempted to, out of anger or frustration.

#22Learn to spend quality time with each other. There’s no better way to fall more in love with each other as the relationship grows.

#23Behave like children now and then. A few pillow fights or cute wrestles can never hurt anyone. But it can help both of you enjoy the relationship.

#24Be spontaneous with your affections. Don’t always wait for special occasions or moments to express your love. Spontaneous surprises are always happierthan planned surprises.

#25Whatever works! No relationship is alike. Instead of learning from someone else’s relationship, learn from your own relationship’s successes and failures.[Read:Signs of a good relationship]These relationship rules could seem simple, but following them to the tee can make all the difference between a romanticrelationship and a failed affair. If you really do treasure your love, make a difference with these tips. You won’t regret it!We’re trying hard to create better relationships in the world.But we can’t do it without YOU!

Did this feature help you better yourself or your relationship?You can change someone else’s life too!



THPS is an indigenous NGO established under nongovernmental organisation act No 24 0f 2002 as part of partnership framework implementation plan between the USG and the Government of Tanzania which calls for an uninterrupted transition of PEPFAR funded HIV and AIDS programs into local entities. THPS works in partnership with the Ministries of Health and Social Welfare in Tanzania (MoHSW) and Regional Administration and local government (PMORALG) with a goal of ensuring accessible high quality health care services to Tanzanian’s through establishment and strengthening of comprehensive family focused HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Treatment services. This is a continuation of the PEPFAR funded broader US Government HIV/AIDS initiatives through Centres for Disease Control Tanzania (CDC) in Tanzania.
As CDC prime awardees; THPS is currently seeking highly experienced, committed and motivated Tanzanians to fill Intervention Coordinator and Assistant Intervention Coordinator positions in Dar Es Salaam.

Plot 254, 3rd floor, Coco Plaza Building , Toure Drive, Masaki, Dar es Salaam Tanzania, East Africa P.O Box 32605 Dar es Salaam, Tel +255-22-2923107/+255 689 103 046 Fax+255 22 2923108. e – Mail ceo@thps.or.tz info@thps.or.tz

THPS is an indigenous NGO established under nongovernmental organisation act No 24 0f 2002 as part of partnership framework implementation plan between the USG and the Government of Tanzania which calls for an uninterrupted transition of PEPFAR funded HIV and AIDS programs into local entities. THPS works in partnership with the Ministries of Health and Social Welfare in Tanzania (MoHSW) and Regional Administration and local government (PMORALG) with a goal of ensuring accessible high quality health care services to Tanzanian’s through establishment and strengthening of comprehensive family focused HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Treatment services. This is a continuation of the PEPFAR funded broader US Government HIV/AIDS initiatives through Centres for Disease Control Tanzania (CDC) in Tanzania.
As CDC prime awardees; THPS is currently seeking highly experienced, committed and motivated Tanzanians to fill in the following position in Dar Es Salaam:

REPORTS TO: Technical Director
LOCATION: Dar Es Salaam (with frequent field travel of up to 50%)
Tanzania Health Promotion Support (THPS) in collaboration with Tanzania Ministry of Health and Social Welfare – National AIDS Control Program ((MOHSW –NACP) and PEPFAR Tanzania seeks an experienced Tanzanian to serve as Intervention Coordinator to manage and lead the intervention component of an Impact Evaluation study on the Coordinated, Integrated use of Non-clinical Health workers on linkage to and retention in HIV/AIDS care in the United Republic of Tanzania. The successful candidate should demonstrate research skills and ability to train, mentor, and supervise intervention teams working with other implementing partners’ teams across the three study regions. The incumbent will have an opportunity to work with the international study team on evaluation and have additional research skills and capacity built through ongoing mentorship.

• Plan and facilitate activities to design the intervention including but not limited to stakeholders workshops and site visits
• Lead and coordinate development of all SOPs, job aids, training materials, monitoring tools, and other materials needed to implement the intervention
• Lead and coordinate training activities for selected facilities and intervention staff
• Oversee and supervise the intervention phase in its entirety
• Coordinate stakeholder meetings and activities (including with national and local governments, communities, PLHIV, health workers, study team members, partners and other collaborators) to ensure key stakeholder participation buy-in
• Conduct implementation meetings with stakeholders and intervention staff
• Ensure fidelity to the intervention and control plans at study sites through routine site visits and regular monitoring and reporting
• Participate as co-investigator on intervention evaluation
• Communicate regularly with the evaluation team
• Represent the project at national and international meetings as requested and approved
• Have research skills and capacity built through mentorship by and participation with international study team
• Facilitate the acquisition and renewal of ethical clearance with relevant institutional review boards (IRBs)
• Participate in data analysis, publication, and dissemination activities
• Any other task as may be required by the supervisor.

• Medical Degree or equivalent, Master of Public Health is an added advantage
• Six (6) years of related experience in HIV care, support and treatment programs is an added advantage.
• Research experience in clinical and community HIV/AIDS interventions is an added advantage.
• Knowledge community support services for PLHIV and the Tanzanian health system is required. .
• Excellent oral/written communication, interpersonal, organizational, skills required.
• Experience collecting and reporting health-monitoring data is preferred.

How to apply:
Interested applicants should send their application letter one page maximum and CV four pages maximum by 21st November, 2014 through email with Position Tittle at a subject line to HR@thps.or.tz .Only short listed applicants will be contacted. Please do not attach any certificates when submitting online.
THPS is an equal opportunity employer; women and people living with HIV/AIDS are encouraged to apply