Ask any woman out there if she wants a stable relationship built on love and they would all tell you yes but it surprises me that when they actually choose a guy to be with, it’s not really based on that…they choose the guys that would most likely hurt them. The question is why?
James is in his final year in the university and he has a reputation of sleeping with half of the girls in the university…what a record. He meets Mary who is pretty and tells her he loves her so much and wants to be with her. Mary knows James reputation in school but somehow she feels she would be that girl that would eventually make James faithful and meanwhile there is Ken at the background who is responsible (and a geek too) who wants to be with Mary. Ken is a safe option but Mary would most likely end with James.
Two months later, James dumps her for another girl in the campus and she is hurt. She then blames guys for being wicked and heartless. You also hear her make statements like ‘all guys are just the same…they would never change’ but are all guys really the same? If she had ended up with Ken, they would have still been together but somehow she prefers to be with ‘bad boy’ James even when she knows he is a bad boy.
Gregory Louis Carter of the University of Durham investigated why women do this by using 128 female undergraduates.
Presenting two types of men, one with the Dark Triad personality traits, and the other, a control group, Carter found that the women found the Dark Triad personality more attractive than the control.
The dark Triad personality traits include narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism. According to a research, narcissism that promotes the short-term mating approach women see every day in men; being courted like they mean the world to them, sleep with the women and dump them for the next woman.
When a woman knows a man possesses these traits, why go for him. If a million girls couldn’t change him, why do you think you are the messiah that would change him?
It’s time ladies stop blaming men for their heartbreak and start blaming themselves for their choice of men. You can’t choose to be with a player and expect not to get your heartbroken. Women need to let go of some fantasies they have stored in their head.
Stop trying to be the girl that changes the ‘bad boy’ and only a ‘bad boy’ can change himself. It’s time women get real with their choice of men.
Women tend to treat the men that would mostly be there for them as shit and take shit from a man that doesn’t even care about them. What a world.


Are the ladies giving you a hard time? Are you one of those men who have never been that suave ladies man but always wanted to be? Do you think the ladies are the problem? or is it you?

Author and professional pick up artist Joshua Pellicer has written a book that can help you overcome your fears of approaching women and will give you the skills to pick up any woman you want! He has appeared on many radio talk shows, television interviews and now hosts his own radio talk show called “Game On” which provides dating tips for men.
Does it work? Well… just listen to a few of his free tips with girls and strange facts in the video at the bottom of this article and you’ll totally get what I’m talking about… The guy is a friggin genius and I wish I had known about these tips a long time ago. I would have been able
to take advantage of dozens of situations to easily nail it and get the girl.
The book is based on Joshua’s research in psychology, self help books and dating programs he has been through, and his experience.  Joshua himself proclaims to previously have been unsuccessful with women. He developed his own theory and system, based on a lot of research, which is now spreading like wild fire throughout the world and is being used by hundreds and thousands of men internationally. This book is literally a bestseller, and I must tell you, at first, I was very skeptical about this whole thing, but when the tips started flowing and I started realizing and understanding female behavior, it’s as if I became a lion hunting for prey. My self confidence has risen so much since I started using the techniques in his book. If you’re struggling with girls, you owe it to yourself. This book is a must-have for any 18+ single dude out-there, trust me on this one!
When you join this program, you’ll get a book and videos teaching you about how to alter your perception of women as well as what they are looking for in a man, to help you overcome your fear of approaching them. This is done in several ways:
First, Joshua breaks some myths about women’s expectations of men. He discusses common mistakes both men and women make in the dating world. Here are some examples:
It is a misconception that women are attracted to money. They are attracted to success, in whatever form that may be. Just because you do not have money does not mean the woman will not like you. Be confident.
It is not all about what magazines tell you about outer appearance. 97% of women say that bald heads can be sexy. 89% of women find that big, steroid muscles on men can be repulsive. It is not about your looks. It is about the vibe you give out. It is about attracting her.
He also teaches you how to exude confidence.
Pellicer teaches body language in both men and women. He teaches how to read a woman’s body language and send the messages you want with yours.
For example, here are some free tips I’m sharing with you, these tips will make a huge difference right away in your approach when you talk to a girl, and that’s just a small drop in the ocean of super cool and easy tips the dude has to share, so check these free tips out:
When approaching a woman, do not face your chest straight toward her too early. This can seem both intimidating and needy. Keep your chest slightly turned away at first.
When you are speaking with a woman, look at a her mouth. This is called a “sexual trigger” and makes the woman subconsciously think of sleeping with you. Do not do this the whole time, because she might think you are strange and creepy. But take glances at her lips occasionally.
In his book, Joshua also gives some unbelievable pick up lines as well as explaining how to hold a conversation that is sure to impress…
With these tips, rules, and guides (and many more within the book), Joshua states that he can turn most men into dating machines!
A fellow dating program author, Goran Nikilov, said “This  dating book for males is awesome but for those who do not know how to approach females it is a must, for the ones who have that fear of rejection in them – especially!”
The bottom line is that this guide will teach you how to attract a lot of women if you practice practice practice, but don’t expect it to work overnight.
If you’re into it, Check out the book for more info and see for yourself why The Tao of Badass has become an Internet sensation and the #1 Dating eBook around the world for guys like us!


1. “Ability to hold conversations”

Men love to talk too, they value conversations with the one they love. No man wants to come home to a wife with whom he has nothing to say. He wants laughter, real talk, serious talk, engaging stories.

2. “Ability to easily turn on”

A man wants a sexy wife, a woman who easily pushes his buttons and he can look at and crave for. He wants to share forever and remain faithful to a sexy woman who connects with his kind of sexiness. 
3. “Motherliness”

With marriage comes the possibility of having children; whether those children are biological or adopted. A man wants not just a good wife but a good mother. She has to have nurturing qualities and ability to keep a house in order. If she is a single mother, he studies how that woman treats her own child/ children.

4. “Ability to improve him”

A man needs a helper, he knows he needs help even though he may not admit it. He wants someone who will correct him with tender love, better him, inspire him, encourage him, be his pillar pushing him to growth. He looks at the woman and asks “Besides being sexy and beautiful, what value can she add to my life?”

5. “Maturity”

Marriage is not for girls but grown women. A grown man looks for a grown woman to settle down with, a woman who has shed off her childish tendencies and wants something real. He will look at what excites her, how she carries herself; is she ready for a grown man’s love and responsibility, or is she still a girl in a woman’s body? He will not baby sit in marriage.

 6. “Emotional stability”

Everyone has emotions, even men; question is, do you have control over your emotions? A man wants a wife who will be true to her emotions but not allowing her emotions to influence her decisions. Is her temper out of control, is she an alcoholic, is she having low self-esteem, is she insecure in an unhealthy way? He doesn’t want an emotional wreck who is irrational, doing and saying things out of impulsive and misplaced emotions. He wants a solid and consistent woman, anchored in certainty, a Queen in charge of herself.

 7. “Ability to partner”

A man wants a woman to work with, a compatible partner to submit to love with. Some women are hard-headed, know it alls, too independent and rigid to the point that the thought of having a home with them and living together is like inviting war. He wants no headaches but a woman he can reason with, compromise with, form a formidable team with.

8. “Character strength”

Character is crucial, for charm and physical beauty will one day age but character affects every aspect of life. He will study her reputation, how she talks, how she thinks. He wants a woman who will be a role model to their children, a woman he will want his daughter to grow up to be like.

9. “Ability to challenge”

A man wanting a serious marriage goes for more than a pretty face, he goes for a woman with ambition and self-drive, a woman who can hold her own, one he can be proud of and say “That’s my woman”, a woman who puts him on his toes to man up, a woman demanding his best, a woman who fires him up just watching her going after her dreams; a woman whose life doesn’t revolve around him but outside what she and him have, she has a lot of good going on. Passion in a woman is attractive.

10. “Ability to cover him”

A woman who can keep a man’s secrets, weaknesses, mistakes and shortcomings wins his trust. He wants a wife who will cover him, clothe his nakedness and defend his honor. One who will fight battles with him and for him because that will make him go to any lengths to keep her by his precious

11. “Friendship”

Marriage lasts and is strongest and sweetest when you are married to your best friend; that friend you know everything about yet never leave, that friend who looks out for you, who sometimes can offend you but is too valuable to let go; stuck with each other through thick and thin.

12. “Loyalty”

A man looks for loyalty; a woman who is dependable, whose commitment is unwavering no matter what circumstances, rumors, friends, family say about him.

 13. “Quality of her friends”

 You know a person by their friends. A man will pay close attention to her friends as this reveals a lot about her. A woman’s friends can be a stumbling block to a fruitful marriage, they have a lot of influence; they can feed her wrong ideas or sharpen her to greatness, they can wrongly advice her or rightly support her in building the best kind of love.

14. “Ability to be lovable”

Some women, though beautiful, are not lovable. They put up walls and make the man struggle just to love her. A man wants a wife receptive to his love, one easy to love, approachable, open to his affection.

15. “Ability to bring out the husband in him”

A wife material kind of woman makes a man want to be a husband. She is the type who will make him want to propose, want to be a father, want to say “I love you”, a keeper. Because of her, he does amazing things he never thought he was capable of, he looks at himself and sees husband material ready for her