25 Must-FollowRelationship Rules for Happy Love

To many people, love is tricky and confusing.And to many others, love is just a mirage.They may be in a relationship and still never experience true love.But every new relationship has the potential to blossom into something spectacular and wonderful, just as long as you remember the relationship rules that matter the most.Relationship rules for successful loveThere are a few relationship rules that can change a drifting relationship into a romantic one.But as trivial and simple as they may seem, it’s something that needs a lot of effort and dedication to achieve.Someone once said that falling in love should be effortless.True, falling in love is easy, but staying in love always needs a bit of work. Just as long as working on a relationship feels less like work and more like fun, you should be just fine.

25 relationship rules that matterFollow these relationship rules in your ownrelationship, irrespective of whether it’s new or old. As long as you’re committed tocreating a better relationship, you’d have no trouble creating a magical experience out of love.

#1Try your best to love your partner unconditionally even if it seems hard not to be selfish.

#2Think from your partner’s perspective when it comes to matters of the heart.

#3End an argument as soon as possible, even if hugging your partner is the last thing on your mind.

#4Make love regularly, but never allot times for it. Scheduling a time for sex makes it a chore that can start to become a bore.

#5Communicate with each other and growtogether in love, but never grow apart with lack of communication as the years pass by.

#6Learn to give space to each other to become better individuals. Even the closest of relationships need some alone time to miss each other now and then.

#7Never take each other for granted. This is the easiest way to fall prey to affairs andarguments.

#8Say a white lie when you need to, especially if it’s a little lie that won’t change your relationship, but will make your partner feel happy.

#9Never shy away from positive criticism. As long as you say it in a constructive manner, it’ll help your partner become a better person.

#10Be the shoulder to lean on, no matter what. Tough times are the most testing phases of a relationship. Stand by your partner, and when the storm ends, love willshine brighter.

#11Never argue in public, but indulge in public display of affection.

#12Date each other even if you’ve been together for years. It keeps the love alive. [Read:How to stay in love forever]

#13Look sexy for each other, and that includes a flat tummy. Just because you’rein a relationship doesn’t mean you should let yourself go and look shabby.

#14Compliment your partner, even if it’s a regular chore or habit. Compliments are the best way to thank a special someone for the effort they’ve taken for you, however small it may be.

#15Celebrate the special days. Birthdays and anniversaries may repeat itself too many times, but it’s these milestones that create memories.

#16Never intentionally try to make your partner feel bad or look bad. It’ll leave a lasting scar that can hurt the relationship.

#17Learn to forgive without holding grudges. As hard as it may be, forgiveness is one of the qualities of true love that matters most in a relationship.

#18Respect your partner whole heartedly.

#19Understand that your partner can havecrushes on others too. It’s a difficult thought, but if you admire someone else, so can your partner. [Read:Insecurity in a relationship]

#20Trust your partner and your instincts, even if others say otherwise.

#21Never grumble or badmouth each other even if you’re tempted to, out of anger or frustration.

#22Learn to spend quality time with each other. There’s no better way to fall more in love with each other as the relationship grows.

#23Behave like children now and then. A few pillow fights or cute wrestles can never hurt anyone. But it can help both of you enjoy the relationship.

#24Be spontaneous with your affections. Don’t always wait for special occasions or moments to express your love. Spontaneous surprises are always happierthan planned surprises.

#25Whatever works! No relationship is alike. Instead of learning from someone else’s relationship, learn from your own relationship’s successes and failures.[Read:Signs of a good relationship]These relationship rules could seem simple, but following them to the tee can make all the difference between a romanticrelationship and a failed affair. If you really do treasure your love, make a difference with these tips. You won’t regret it!We’re trying hard to create better relationships in the world.But we can’t do it without YOU!

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How to Buy Your Girlfriend the Perfect Christmas Gift

This article gives advice and guidance to men on buying thoughtful and inspirational gifts for your partner this Christmas.

Out With The Old

The first thing all of you men need to do is lose all of the old ideas for presents from your memory bank. If you are one of these lazy shoppers who will stick to the perennial “female favourites” year after year, then 2012 is the year that you are going to cut this out for good.
Off you go to the perfumery to buy yet another luxury fragrance, however your woman still has the other 20 bottles that you and various other people have bought her in recent years for a number of special occasions. Or better yet, you get really original and forward thinking and buy her some pajamas. Please!
I think you have the message now – or at least I hope so, heaven help your woman if you haven’t!
You are not going to buy her anything that you normally would. It is time to change up your gift purchases and be a touch more thoughtful.

For the Bathroom

There have probably been times when you have bought your woman moisturizers or cosmetics products: this year take it a step further and buy her some luxury products for the bathroom.
Luxury bath salts can be a great way to melt her stresses away after a tough day at work, or on a Sunday evening before the dreaded Monday return to the office. There are a whole range of indulgent products you can buy, from the bath salts to indulgent luxury soaps, incense sticks, scented candles, and even a nail brush! Why add to the perfume collection when you can get her something she doesn’t already have and would really appreciate?

Foodie Heaven

Even between couples, food is becoming a more popular gift than ever before. Part of this is driven by the current economic problems and people making their own products, such as homemade jams and spreads. Admittedly, we wouldn’t dream of encouraging you to do the same thing, however you can always buy your own organic varieties, either online or locally, and try and pass them off as your own work!

Interior Inspiration
While buying something for inside the home will be of a benefit to both of you, there is nothing to prevent you buying it for your girl as a thoughtful gift. Whether it is a piece of artwork, an ornament, or something else that will add to the atmosphere of your bedroom or living area, there are bound to be options that your woman is sure to appreciate.

Relationship Advice for Women – From a Woman

Take it from someone who’s been in quite a few disastrous relationshipsand very few good ones: relationship advice for women is usually horrible and you shouldn’t listen to it.
Advice columns and articles written by men, regarding relationship advice for women, are obviously a bit biased. The same articles and advisories written by women can be just as biased, however. Both sides tend to miss important pieces of relationship advice for women: if the relationship isn’t working and you’re unhappy, it’s time to leave.
This is the best relationship advice for girls and guys alike: do what makes you happy.
One of the biggest mistakes that I’ve seen women make in relationships, and I admit I’ve even done it myself, is staying in a relationship because you want your significant other to be happy and you don’t want to hurt them.
Staying in a relationship for the happiness of someone other than you is silly. I know it may sound like I’m telling you to be selfish, and I am. But in the long run, if you stay in a relationship because only one of you is happy, both of you will end up miserable in the future. It may be a few months or several years, but it will happen. Do you really want to wait that long to realize that a relationship isn’t working?
Here’s a no-brainer. If you are unhappy in a relationship and have tried remedying things but you’re still not satisfied, it’s time to go. Caring for someone and loving someone are two different things that often conflict. But if only one of you is giving out all the love, and the other is just caring enough to get by, it’s time to realize that not every relationship is worth saving.
Many women miss important advice like this. Relationship advice for women is often a bunch of things you can do to try and save a relationship, but that’s not always what needs to be done.
Doing what makes you happy is truly the best relationship advice for women (and men as well) but most people don’t realize when they aren’t truly happy.
If you are questioning the amount of love that either you or your significant other is putting into the relationship, or if you aren’t sure whether a relationship is making you happy or not, you should ask yourself some important questions. Coping, settling, and tolerating does not equal happiness.
Have you settled on someone who doesn’t deserve you? Do they appreciate everything that defines who you are? Do they love you for you, or for what they want you to be? Does the purest form of your personality come out when you’re around them? Does making them happy, make you happy? Do you feel smothered or controlled? Does it make you angry? Does your significant other make you angry a lot? How much of their behavior do you hate and just tolerate? Have you turned to alcohol or drugs in order to cope with the stress from your relationship? Have you had more days of feeling depressed since you’ve been with them?
 Ask yourself these questions and come up with a few on your own, then tell yourself if you are happy or not. Be honest with yourself. When all other relationship advice for women fails, it’s time to start answering some important questions. If you can find out just how happy, or just how miserable, your relationship makes you, you’ll know what to do. Follow your heart, your soul, or just your common sense. Any way you look at it, your happiness with someone defines how successful the relationship is, and that’s the best relationship advice for women, men, and creatures of all shapes, sizes and colors