couple talking
Bad habits can be compared to a termite in a carpenter’s shop; slowly and surely if not taken care of the termite would eat down the woods of the carpenter. The termite is quite tricky as its size would deceive you of what it can actually do. Like a termite, a bad habit might look small and not devilish but in reality it would totally destroy your relationship and should be given no room to grow.
Not too long ago, I did a piece on 9 bad habits couples are guilty of and in that piece I listed lies, nagging, not accepting your wrongs and a host of other things that are common bad habits in relationships. Stating those habits and not explaining how to get rid of them could just be a case of words without action, and that led me to working on how to end your bad relationship habits.
7 ways you can end that bad relationship habit:
You cannot stop something that you haven’t spotted out. There is no trick, magic or shortcut to this; if you can’t spot that bad habit then you wouldn’t even know what you are supposed to stop. If you try to be honest with yourself you can actually spot those bad habits —first, by listening; if you listen to your partner and what your partner complains regularly about you then that’s probably your bad habit. You can also spot your bad habit if you actually ask your partner to be honest with you and tell you what you are probably doing wrong in the relationship, and from there you can spot your bad relationship habits.
Spotting the habit is the first step and admitting it is the second bold step. From what you have garnered from your partner, analyse your mistakes without bias and then admit the things you feel you actually do wrong because only in admitting a bad habit can you finally go on to breaking it—admittance shows will.
Okay, you have spotted and admitted to having bad relationship habits; that’s nice and deserves commendation but it definitely doesn’t end there—it actually just starts. You have to create the consciousness that you have the desire to break that bad habit: write it in your diary or your computer or phone or anything you use daily; write the bad habit and read to yourself every day that you are going to stop that habit. By this, you would create that consciousness of that bad habit and when you are so conscious of yourself then can you take control.
After creating that consciousness of the bad habit you are fond of, try to replace it with something new and positive. For example, if you have a bad habit of hitting your lady (which is a very terrible relationship habit), when the urge comes up to hit her, you can go into your room, be alone and listen to some soft musicals—I’d recommend jazz; it heals the soul
Give yourself a time frame and record how well or how little you have achieved. For example, if the bad habit you spotted was anger, after a 30 day period, evaluate yourself and check how many times you got angry within that period. If you didn’t improve much, don’t give up, give yourself another 30 days and become even more determined this time.
You probably can’t do it alone, let your partner help you—tell your partner of your intentions and your partner would cut you some slack and probably help you in breaking those habits. If you can listen deeply to your partner, be more understanding and study your partner’s body language, you can even create a firewall to those habits through this.
A bad habit didn’t start immediately; it grew within you stage by stage till it became a part of you so you can’t stop it so easy as well. So do not give yourself unrealistic targets; behavioural conditioning goes even down to conditioning the mind and stuffs like that takes time. So be patient and don’t give up.

If you have the will or desire, there is no bad habit you can’t stop in your relationship. Remember, hitting your lady, nagging, abusing, lies and dishonesty, unfaithfulness are all bad relationship habits. Bad habits are termites—stop those termites in your relationship.


The single life can be very interesting and fun because you have no responsibilities or obligations to anyone except yourself. You get to live as freely as you choose to, but it can be misleading as well. You tend to take too many things for granted and make mistakes that could destroy you on the long run. We ignore some of the harsh realities of life because it seems ‘cool’ to, and sometimes, only come to our senses when it’s too late or find ourselves in situations where it’s difficult to adapt. Marriage is one of those situations. It’s a whole different entity and often opens our eyes to some of the realities about life. Sometimes, we’re lucky enough to earn a clean slate, and other times, we’re not. So what are these realities we tend to only learn in marriage?
As a single person, you have no real responsibilities per se because they’re usually very limited. No wife or children to feed, no kids to train at school, so you tend to spend money a little recklessly sometimes. But marriage is a whole different ball game. You have responsibilities cropping up every now and then, so reckless spending cannot be entertained—otherwise, you suffer the repercussions. In marriage, spending is calculated; even $1.00 can go a long way.
Saving is very important because it helps you prepare for tomorrow. Sadly, not a lot of single people realise this; in fact, I can count the number of single people I know who value saving. The future is an uncertainty; we make projections, but never know how things will really pan out. But when you save, you have something to fall back on in case things take a wrong turn. Imagine a married couple who do not save (especially, if they have kids). What happens when a sudden death befalls the father of the house? How does the family survive until things get back on track? How do bills get settled?…etc
If you’re choosing a partner for a serious affair like marriage, you must look beyond outer appearances because on the long run, they’ll fade, and your relationship might suffer. You need someone who’s committed to making your marriage work; someone who not only has a beautiful face or body, but has a beautiful mind as well; someone whom you can plan with, someone who understands you and is willing to listen and make compromises. If you’re a woman, your man must be driven and hardworking; pretty looks don’t pay bills. And as a man, your woman must be respectful, strong, supportive, of a sound mind and willing to listen.
Children are a blessing. A lot of people do not know this until they get married. That is the reason you see some unmarried couples aborting babies. I’ve seen people who spent a larger part of their lives aborting ‘unwanted babies’, only to get married and find it difficult to conceive. Married or not, children shouldn’t be aborted for any reason. If you do not have the means to take care of a baby, do not bring them into the world—wait till you’re ready. If your reject a child today because you ‘do not need it’, you may not find it when you do tomorrow.


happy couple
One prayer every lady keeps praying is for her to have a faithful man. A faithful man is like a rare gem, he’s one in a thousand.
Men are naturally promiscuous and having a man that’s faithful to you is definitely a big plus. One big question ladies ask is: how do I know my man is faithful? Faithfulness or cheating is not written on a man’s face but a lady can probably tell her man isn’t having a sexual affair with someone else.
These signs aren’t a surety but they are definite guides that would show you your man is faithful.
The faithful man has nothing to hide; he isn’t sneaky about his phones and every other thing. A man that cheats is never hundred percent free with his phone; a call or message could pop at any time and he wouldn’t want to be caught up in that; but the man that’s faithful doesn’t have anything to hide, secrecy isn’t in his diary and he makes sure his lady knows this.
Where does your man’s loyalty lie is one question every lady should ask herself when in a relationship. A man that’s loyal to his lady would rather not be anywhere but with his lady, when he has a spare time he spends it with his lady. A man that’s loyal wouldn’t mind showing you to the world as his lady; when he treats you like the only woman in the world then that’s a sign of loyalty; a man shows loyalty to his lady not just in words but in actions.
One thing you might want to ask yourself is how committed is your man to the relationship. How much passion does he put into that relationship? How much does he try extra just to be with you and to please you? Gauge his seriousness in that relationship from a scale of 1 to 10; anything less than 10 shows that there is one percent chance that he’s cheating. You might think it’s a harsh judgment but it isn’t; faithfulness needs a hundred percent loyalty or commitment level and there could be that one percent chance that your man is cheating if he falls short on being loyal and committed to that relationship.
The man that’s faithful to his lady avoids cheating on her by all means and by that he doesn’t even try to be flirty in his actions; he doesn’t really feel the need to impress other ladies, he isn’t carried away by the appeal of other women. This is so because the faithful man has all his desire placed in just one person and anything that falls short of this could mean your man is getting some extra booty somewhere.
There is nothing like a man that’s honest and upright in his words and actions; that’s the quality of a man that’s faithful. Once deceit enters the picture or when there is a thing or two to hide then you should know that there is a little problem. Faithfulness isn’t a regular trait, it is extraordinary and it requires a whole lot of honesty. A faithful man is an honest man; once he’s told you that little lie then anything can happen from then on but if he has no reason to lie then that’s the faithful man.
A man that would hit you has no respect for you and that means he could cheat on you as well; a man that would tell you all manner of lies has no respect for you and could as well cheat on you; a man that doesn’t value you or your feelings or make no efforts to understand you doesn’t have respect for you and that means he could as well cheat on you. However, a man that has total respect for his lady and also respect her feelings would give no room to cheat on her because he’s too in love or cares about the way his lady feels to do that.

After all said and done, faithfulness requires a whole lot of discipline and commitment from a man, and while it isn’t easy to hundred percent vouch for the faithfulness of a man, these tips can provide an insight to how faithful or unfaithful your man is.


People jump into relationships without knowing if they are ready to have a relationship or not. The term ‘relationship’ just seems to be a good idea that people buy into without grasping that the actual relationship goes beyond those four words ‘I’m in a relationship’.
If you aren’t ready for a relationship and you actually venture into one, it would never work out well and it could end up being a nightmare.
You might be wondering how one cannot be ready for a relationship or how to know if you are not ready for a relationship. Being ready for a relationship isn’t just about your feelings and emotions leading you to a relationship; it doesn’t end there, it starts with your feelings for a relationship partner and continues with your maturity or emotional preparedness to actually have that relationship.
9 signs you aren’t ready for a relationship:
Me, I, myself shows just one person —you, and it shows you aren’t ready for a relationship. A relationship should never be just about you; you should treat your partner just as you treat yourself, but when you think only of yourself and yourself alone then it shows you aren’t ready for a relationship.
You can’t hold back a lot from your partner and still call it a relationship. Some people hold back their emotions and their feelings and prefer to ply the safe option. There is no safe option as regards this —life itself is a risk and relationship is as well risky—if you hold back a lot then you are going to lose a lot in that relationship.
If you are ready for a relationship then you should be ready to make sacrifices and anything short of that shows you aren’t ready for a relationship. A true relationship is about love and sacrifice and if this isn’t yet in your mind-set then you aren’t prepared to have a relationship.
If you still can’t let go of your ex then you aren’t ready for a relationship. When you still think of your ex then it shows you are not emotionally prepared to have a new partner. Every relationship needs that emotional balance that can make you can make you forgo almost every other thing and just set your mind on your partner; but if your emotions aren’t set right then that could be a problem.
Faithfulness should be the pride of relationship partners; it shows content, value, maturity, self-control and it also shows that you’re ready for a relationship. Faithfulness shows that you respect your partner and your partner’s feelings and wouldn’t do anything to hurt that person’s feeling. However, unfaithfulness shows you aren’t mentally and physically ready for a relationship.
Self-control depicts maturity and maturity is needed in every relationship. So many men have turned the women in their lives to punching bags—that doesn’t show self-control. Some people get angry at the slightest provocation—that doesn’t show self-control. If you can’t control yourself in that relationship then you would lose control of that relationship. Lack of self-control shows that you are far from ready to be in a relationship.
Surprisingly, this trait of not being accommodating is found in relationships. This points back to the first tip of self; when you are self-minded, you won’t be accommodating even to your partner. When you can’t tolerate some of your partner’s behaviour that shouldn’t really cause a problem then it shows you are not accommodating.
A relationship is a learning process; no one is a professor in relationships; even the relationship experts have hitches in their relationship, and this point to one thing—a relationship is a school you never graduate from, you just keep learning and if you aren’t ready to learn then you aren’t ready to be in a relationship.
Everyone needs that sober time sometimes where you can be alone and ponder about life and a whole lot of things—it helps. However, that’s totally different from when you always want to be alone. Being alone means you want to be single because being in a relationship means you have to accept some other person that isn’t you into your life totally. If you can’t do this then you aren’t ready for a relationship.

Movies and novels have somehow painted that picture perfect idea of a relationship in our minds and sometimes we tend to lose sight of the real picture. Wanting to be in a relationship and being ready to have a relationship are two different things. Work on yourself, work on your flaws and be ready to accept another person into your life with the person’s flaws and having that patience and accommodating spirit is what a relationship is all about.


The single life can be very interesting and fun because you have no responsibilities or obligations to anyone except yourself. You get to live as freely as you choose to, but it can be misleading as well. You tend to take too many things for granted and make mistakes that could destroy you on the long run. We ignore some of the harsh realities of life because it seems ‘cool’ to, and sometimes, only come to our senses when it’s too late or find ourselves in situations where it’s difficult to adapt. Marriage is one of those situations. It’s a whole different entity and often opens our eyes to some of the realities about life. Sometimes, we’re lucky enough to earn a clean slate, and other times, we’re not. So what are these realities we tend to only learn in marriage?
As a single person, you have no real responsibilities per se because they’re usually very limited. No wife or children to feed, no kids to train at school, so you tend to spend money a little recklessly sometimes. But marriage is a whole different ball game. You have responsibilities cropping up every now and then, so reckless spending cannot be entertained—otherwise, you suffer the repercussions. In marriage, spending is calculated; even $1.00 can go a long way.
Saving is very important because it helps you prepare for tomorrow. Sadly, not a lot of single people realise this; in fact, I can count the number of single people I know who value saving. The future is an uncertainty; we make projections, but never know how things will really pan out. But when you save, you have something to fall back on in case things take a wrong turn. Imagine a married couple who do not save (especially, if they have kids). What happens when a sudden death befalls the father of the house? How does the family survive until things get back on track? How do bills get settled?…etc
If you’re choosing a partner for a serious affair like marriage, you must look beyond outer appearances because on the long run, they’ll fade, and your relationship might suffer. You need someone who’s committed to making your marriage work; someone who not only has a beautiful face or body, but has a beautiful mind as well; someone whom you can plan with, someone who understands you and is willing to listen and make compromises. If you’re a woman, your man must be driven and hardworking; pretty looks don’t pay bills. And as a man, your woman must be respectful, strong, supportive, of a sound mind and willing to listen.
Children are a blessing. A lot of people do not know this until they get married. That is the reason you see some unmarried couples aborting babies. I’ve seen people who spent a larger part of their lives aborting ‘unwanted babies’, only to get married and find it difficult to conceive. Married or not, children shouldn’t be aborted for any reason. If you do not have the means to take care of a baby, do not bring them into the world—wait till you’re ready. If your reject a child today because you ‘do not need it’, you may not find it when you do tomorrow.

25 Must-FollowRelationship Rules for Happy Love

To many people, love is tricky and confusing.And to many others, love is just a mirage.They may be in a relationship and still never experience true love.But every new relationship has the potential to blossom into something spectacular and wonderful, just as long as you remember the relationship rules that matter the most.Relationship rules for successful loveThere are a few relationship rules that can change a drifting relationship into a romantic one.But as trivial and simple as they may seem, it’s something that needs a lot of effort and dedication to achieve.Someone once said that falling in love should be effortless.True, falling in love is easy, but staying in love always needs a bit of work. Just as long as working on a relationship feels less like work and more like fun, you should be just fine.

25 relationship rules that matterFollow these relationship rules in your ownrelationship, irrespective of whether it’s new or old. As long as you’re committed tocreating a better relationship, you’d have no trouble creating a magical experience out of love.

#1Try your best to love your partner unconditionally even if it seems hard not to be selfish.

#2Think from your partner’s perspective when it comes to matters of the heart.

#3End an argument as soon as possible, even if hugging your partner is the last thing on your mind.

#4Make love regularly, but never allot times for it. Scheduling a time for sex makes it a chore that can start to become a bore.

#5Communicate with each other and growtogether in love, but never grow apart with lack of communication as the years pass by.

#6Learn to give space to each other to become better individuals. Even the closest of relationships need some alone time to miss each other now and then.

#7Never take each other for granted. This is the easiest way to fall prey to affairs andarguments.

#8Say a white lie when you need to, especially if it’s a little lie that won’t change your relationship, but will make your partner feel happy.

#9Never shy away from positive criticism. As long as you say it in a constructive manner, it’ll help your partner become a better person.

#10Be the shoulder to lean on, no matter what. Tough times are the most testing phases of a relationship. Stand by your partner, and when the storm ends, love willshine brighter.

#11Never argue in public, but indulge in public display of affection.

#12Date each other even if you’ve been together for years. It keeps the love alive. [Read:How to stay in love forever]

#13Look sexy for each other, and that includes a flat tummy. Just because you’rein a relationship doesn’t mean you should let yourself go and look shabby.

#14Compliment your partner, even if it’s a regular chore or habit. Compliments are the best way to thank a special someone for the effort they’ve taken for you, however small it may be.

#15Celebrate the special days. Birthdays and anniversaries may repeat itself too many times, but it’s these milestones that create memories.

#16Never intentionally try to make your partner feel bad or look bad. It’ll leave a lasting scar that can hurt the relationship.

#17Learn to forgive without holding grudges. As hard as it may be, forgiveness is one of the qualities of true love that matters most in a relationship.

#18Respect your partner whole heartedly.

#19Understand that your partner can havecrushes on others too. It’s a difficult thought, but if you admire someone else, so can your partner. [Read:Insecurity in a relationship]

#20Trust your partner and your instincts, even if others say otherwise.

#21Never grumble or badmouth each other even if you’re tempted to, out of anger or frustration.

#22Learn to spend quality time with each other. There’s no better way to fall more in love with each other as the relationship grows.

#23Behave like children now and then. A few pillow fights or cute wrestles can never hurt anyone. But it can help both of you enjoy the relationship.

#24Be spontaneous with your affections. Don’t always wait for special occasions or moments to express your love. Spontaneous surprises are always happierthan planned surprises.

#25Whatever works! No relationship is alike. Instead of learning from someone else’s relationship, learn from your own relationship’s successes and failures.[Read:Signs of a good relationship]These relationship rules could seem simple, but following them to the tee can make all the difference between a romanticrelationship and a failed affair. If you really do treasure your love, make a difference with these tips. You won’t regret it!We’re trying hard to create better relationships in the world.But we can’t do it without YOU!

Did this feature help you better yourself or your relationship?You can change someone else’s life too!

How to Buy Your Girlfriend the Perfect Christmas Gift

This article gives advice and guidance to men on buying thoughtful and inspirational gifts for your partner this Christmas.

Out With The Old

The first thing all of you men need to do is lose all of the old ideas for presents from your memory bank. If you are one of these lazy shoppers who will stick to the perennial “female favourites” year after year, then 2012 is the year that you are going to cut this out for good.
Off you go to the perfumery to buy yet another luxury fragrance, however your woman still has the other 20 bottles that you and various other people have bought her in recent years for a number of special occasions. Or better yet, you get really original and forward thinking and buy her some pajamas. Please!
I think you have the message now – or at least I hope so, heaven help your woman if you haven’t!
You are not going to buy her anything that you normally would. It is time to change up your gift purchases and be a touch more thoughtful.

For the Bathroom

There have probably been times when you have bought your woman moisturizers or cosmetics products: this year take it a step further and buy her some luxury products for the bathroom.
Luxury bath salts can be a great way to melt her stresses away after a tough day at work, or on a Sunday evening before the dreaded Monday return to the office. There are a whole range of indulgent products you can buy, from the bath salts to indulgent luxury soaps, incense sticks, scented candles, and even a nail brush! Why add to the perfume collection when you can get her something she doesn’t already have and would really appreciate?

Foodie Heaven

Even between couples, food is becoming a more popular gift than ever before. Part of this is driven by the current economic problems and people making their own products, such as homemade jams and spreads. Admittedly, we wouldn’t dream of encouraging you to do the same thing, however you can always buy your own organic varieties, either online or locally, and try and pass them off as your own work!

Interior Inspiration
While buying something for inside the home will be of a benefit to both of you, there is nothing to prevent you buying it for your girl as a thoughtful gift. Whether it is a piece of artwork, an ornament, or something else that will add to the atmosphere of your bedroom or living area, there are bound to be options that your woman is sure to appreciate.

Relationship Advice for Women – From a Woman

Take it from someone who’s been in quite a few disastrous relationshipsand very few good ones: relationship advice for women is usually horrible and you shouldn’t listen to it.
Advice columns and articles written by men, regarding relationship advice for women, are obviously a bit biased. The same articles and advisories written by women can be just as biased, however. Both sides tend to miss important pieces of relationship advice for women: if the relationship isn’t working and you’re unhappy, it’s time to leave.
This is the best relationship advice for girls and guys alike: do what makes you happy.
One of the biggest mistakes that I’ve seen women make in relationships, and I admit I’ve even done it myself, is staying in a relationship because you want your significant other to be happy and you don’t want to hurt them.
Staying in a relationship for the happiness of someone other than you is silly. I know it may sound like I’m telling you to be selfish, and I am. But in the long run, if you stay in a relationship because only one of you is happy, both of you will end up miserable in the future. It may be a few months or several years, but it will happen. Do you really want to wait that long to realize that a relationship isn’t working?
Here’s a no-brainer. If you are unhappy in a relationship and have tried remedying things but you’re still not satisfied, it’s time to go. Caring for someone and loving someone are two different things that often conflict. But if only one of you is giving out all the love, and the other is just caring enough to get by, it’s time to realize that not every relationship is worth saving.
Many women miss important advice like this. Relationship advice for women is often a bunch of things you can do to try and save a relationship, but that’s not always what needs to be done.
Doing what makes you happy is truly the best relationship advice for women (and men as well) but most people don’t realize when they aren’t truly happy.
If you are questioning the amount of love that either you or your significant other is putting into the relationship, or if you aren’t sure whether a relationship is making you happy or not, you should ask yourself some important questions. Coping, settling, and tolerating does not equal happiness.
Have you settled on someone who doesn’t deserve you? Do they appreciate everything that defines who you are? Do they love you for you, or for what they want you to be? Does the purest form of your personality come out when you’re around them? Does making them happy, make you happy? Do you feel smothered or controlled? Does it make you angry? Does your significant other make you angry a lot? How much of their behavior do you hate and just tolerate? Have you turned to alcohol or drugs in order to cope with the stress from your relationship? Have you had more days of feeling depressed since you’ve been with them?
 Ask yourself these questions and come up with a few on your own, then tell yourself if you are happy or not. Be honest with yourself. When all other relationship advice for women fails, it’s time to start answering some important questions. If you can find out just how happy, or just how miserable, your relationship makes you, you’ll know what to do. Follow your heart, your soul, or just your common sense. Any way you look at it, your happiness with someone defines how successful the relationship is, and that’s the best relationship advice for women, men, and creatures of all shapes, sizes and colors


The Government of Tanzania established Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank Limited (TAD B) under the provisions of the Banking and Financial Institutions Act No 5 of 2006 and the Banking and Financial Institutions (Development Finance) Regulations, 2012. The TADB is incorporated under the Companies Act, Cap 212 of 2002. The primary objective for which the bank is established is to catalyze delivery of various forms of financing to the agricultural sector.
In particular, the bank has the following key objectives:
•    To catalyse credit delivery to the agricultural sector and thereby accelerate agricultural growth;
•    To lead, as an apex agricultural financing bank, in capacity building strategies and programmes to strengthen the agriculture finandal value chain;
•    To be an important initiative in the implementation of the Government's Second Generation Rnancial Sector Reforms (FSAP) as well as in the furtherance of the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty for Mainland Tanzania (MKUKUTA), and Zanzibar Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (MKUZA);
•    To catalyse existing agro-financing activities through provision of short, medium and long-term facilities through the following institutions: commercial banks, community banks, savings and credit cooperative societies (SACCOS) and microfinance institutions (MFIs) that are active in lending to the agricultural sector.
TADB is hereby inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following job vacancies:

Department: Human Resource Department

Reports to: Human Resource and Administration Manager
Duties and Responsibilities:
•    To assist the Human Resource and Administration manager on development and implementation of the bank's Human Resource Management Policies; ~
•    To initiate for Management approval all personnel-related matters across the bank;
•    To co-ordinate the staff selection, recruitment, induction, placement and planning;
•    To develop training plans for the bank and ensure their implementation:
•    To keep records on the proceedings in the disciplinary committee and prepare report;
•    To keep staff and other subject matter files and records for the bank;
•    To provide guidance to both Management and staff on all matters relating to industrial and employee relations including terms and conditions of service, and where necessary initiate disciplinary processes regarding staff;
•    To prepare responses and bank representation to the Commission for Mediation and Arbitration and Labour Tribunal;
•    To verify and update personnel data base on regular basis;
•    To prepare necessary documentation for staff recruitment process or part-time engagements;
•    To facilitate requests of staff loans and other staff benefits as appropriate;
•    To advise on staff training and development and career management programmes
•    To facilitate staff performance appraisal process, salary reviews, benefits administration and rewards programmes
•    To perform any other duties assigned by the Human Resources and Administration Manager or by senior Management.
Minimum Qualifications:
Holder of a Bachelor's degree in Human Resources Management or its equivalent from reputable

Minimum Experience: Experience in personnel management and administration or postgraduate qualifications in relevant field are not mandatory but shall be an added advantage to the holder.

Career Progression: Holder of the position title can compete to fill any vacant senior position, provided he/she possesses the required minimum qualifications and experience

General competencies: Self-motivated and able to work under minimum supervision, possession of multi-tasking skills, computer literacy, customer needs oriented, ethical, diligent worker, team player.

Your application should include application letter, up-to-date CV with full names, contact addresses,
telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of the candidate, certified copies of relevant certificates
including a birth certificate and two reference letters.
All applications must be submitted through postal or couriers services. No application from physical visit by the applicant to the TADS Offices shall be entertained.
Applications should reach the undersigned by 4.00 pm on 26th November 2014

Managing Director,
Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank ltd,
7th Floor Samora Tower, Samora Avenue,
P. O. Box 63372,

The Government of Tanzania established Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank Limited (TAD B) under the provisions of the Banking and Financial Institutions Act No 5 of 2006 and the Banking and Financial Institutions (Development Finance) Regulations, 2012. The TADB is incorporated under the Companies Act, Cap 212 of 2002. The primary objective for which the bank is established is to catalyze delivery of various forms of financing to the agricultural sector.
In particular, the bank has the following key objectives:
•    To catalyse credit delivery to the agricultural sector and thereby accelerate agricultural growth;
•    To lead, as an apex agricultural financing bank, in capacity building strategies and programmes to strengthen the agriculture financial value chain;
•    To be an important initiative in the implementation of the Government's Second Generation Financial Sector Reforms (FSAP) as well as in the furtherance of the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty for Mainland Tanzania (MKUKUTA), and Zanzibar Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (MKUZA);
•    To catalyse existing agro-financing activities through provision of short, medium and long-term facilities through the following institutions: commercial banks, community banks, savings and credit cooperative societies (SACCOS) and microfinance institutions (MFIs) that are active in lending to the agricultural sector.
TADB is hereby inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following job vacancies:


couple talking
Relationships can be compared to a car engine, you don’t wake up every morning and drive off to wherever you want to go to without checking so many important things in the engine else your car might just break down. Likewise your relationship, you don’t wake up every day assuming that your relationship is intact without assessing your relationship; you might wake up one day only to realise that your relationship is on the verge of breaking down.
Relationships don’t break down in the twinkle of an eye, it does so gradually but sometimes people keep a blind eye to those things which should be checked regularly in the relationship just like the car engine.
7 pointers for assessing your relationship
Communication is an integral part of a relationship; a successful relationship is marked with frequent communication while a relationship that’s on the verge of breaking or is having cracks is marked by a lower level of communication. How well do you and your partner communicate with each other?  Once communication begins to fade off then your relationship would begin to fade off as well, there are no two ways about this; so never let it get to this stage.
Notice how couples that are in love or in a relationship newly desire each other; desirability is the passion of the relationship. Many relationship experts would always advice couples to maintain the passion in a relationship; this is so because once the passion in that relationship begins to wane then the relationship would suffer as well. How high is the passion or desirability level in your relationship?
You can take a self-test to examine how feel about your relationship; if you’re honest about how you feel then you would have all the answers you need about your relationship. Ask yourself questions like: am I enjoying this relationship? Would I rather be alone than be with my partner? Am I proud of where the relationship is going? Would I still love to be in this relationship in a few years’ time? The answers to these questions would reveal a lot and tell you how exactly you feel about your relationship.
Things come between couples in a relationship; some are external and some are internal; some are visible to the eyes while some aren’t. Family and friends can come between relationship partners; inward traits like ego, anger, selfishness and the lot can come between partners; even in marriages, kids can come between partners; sometimes it could also be that extra side chic or guy that could be coming between partners. Is anyone or anything coming between you and your partner?
5. SEX
Sex is always a definite pointer that reveals a lot about relationship cracks. Sometimes sex can feel empty with no passion, sometimes it could be just dry like something done out of necessity rather than of desire while sometimes the intimacy and passion level that comes with the sex could be passionate. It also doesn’t end with sex, even the attitude after sex means a lot; is there still that desire to be with each other or is it just one of those things? All these counts and those little details would reveal a lot as to how well the relationship is doing.
A relationship that’s on the right track is usually honest; the man is honest to the woman and likewise the woman is honest to the man. Once honesty seizes to exist in that relationship then it is a sign that so many things are going wrong behind the scenes. What’s the honesty level between you and your partner in that relationship?
A successful relationship is earmarked with sacrifices, couples are willing to give up things that they do that would harm the relationship, couples are ready to put in a lot to make sure the relationship remains successful. Once that will to sacrifice for each other is lost then that relationship would gradually begin to falter till it reaches a point where it can’t be fixed again.

While most relationships fail without both partners noticing on time is because just like the car engine they refuse to check everything that’s needed to make the relationship move smoothly. No relationship breaks down at once, it gives signs that something should be worked on or improved and failure to do that would ruin the relationship.


So you have been with this great guy for some weeks now and he has never introduced you to anyone as his girlfriend and you are probably wondering why. Just stop bordering and keep reading as I list 5 reasons why he probably has never called you his girlfriend
If he can’t let the world know you are his girlfriend then he probably has a girl the world knows he is dating. If he never calls you his girlfriend, the possibility of you being his side chick is definitely high.
Guys can be very annoying sometimes and I just wonder why we do this. He probably wants you around because maybe he enjoys your company or has good sex with you but he just doesn’t love you enough to make the world know you are his girlfriend. He would do enough to make you happy but not enough to keep you satisfied.
Some men dread commitment, it’s a no go area for them. It could be due to a past relationship that really hit them hard while others just don’t want to be man enough to be committed.
Most girls commit these blunders when trying to get a man they love. They try becoming a man’s girlfriend even before they are actually his girlfriend. Let me explain myself. When you wash his clothes, cook for him and clean his apartment when he hasn’t even asked you out just because you like him and wish he does, he would act like he is dating you so those benefits won’t stop.
Some guys date a girl just so they won’t be single but they are not really proud to show her off to friends. They think maybe she isn’t up to their taste but the question I always ask is why date a girl if you think she isn’t up to your taste?

So ladies if you notice these signs in your relationship, it’s obvious you are with the wrong guy as nothing good would definitely come out of that relationship


67lips sealed
Sometime ago, I brought you 4 major secrets men keep from women; discussing in detail, some of the things men would rather keep to themselves than share with their women. If you really read that article, then you know that men aren’t the only ones who like to hide things. Women also keep secrets, and the funny thing about theirs is that men aren’t their only victims. Lol (no offence). When women lie, they do it to everyone (men and women alike) because they just have trust issues. On this occasion, I’ll be sharing some of the most common ones with you. So sit back, relax, and check out the 4 major secrets women love to keep.
There’s a reason they say ‘a woman never reveals her age…’ it’s because they just don’t. A vast majority of women would rather lose a friendship than divulge their true age. I used to wonder what the big deal is until a close friend told me. She said the reason most women lie about their age is because of the ‘time factor’. You know, naturally, women age faster than men, so to keep the balance, and remain ‘relevant, they lie about their actual age by a deducting a few years. Also, most men tend to go for younger women for marriage. This makes a lot of women lie (especially those above 30) so they could get a partner.
Women are also humans like men so they care about their reputation. No woman wants to be tagged ‘a whore’ so they’d rather lie about the number of men she’s dated especially considering the way the society views women who have had multiple sexual partners. Some women also do this because they are in love, and do not want to lose their man. In all, women keep this kind of secret to keep a healthy reputation.
Most women are naturally dependent. No matter how much money they make or have, they just can’t seem to stop looking up to their man for more. They’ll even go as far as lying about how much they earn, just to collect more from the men in their lives. I’ve seen women who keep their jobs and businesses a secret from their man. That’s how serious it is. Lol.
When a woman is in love, she’d do anything to protect her man…even fake sexual pleasure and orgasm. Studies have shown that a vast majority of women do not reach orgasm during sexual intercourse, but most men do not know this, and that’s because a lot of women choose not to be honest about their true sexual feelings. Countless stories have also come out of how many women are increasingly dissatisfied with their sex lives, but when you ask them in bed, they pretend to be enjoying your skills. Can’t say I blame these women though, sometimes, they lie and fake these feelings just so they do not hurt their man’s ego (yeah…men have a very fragile ego) and so people don’t have a very twisted impression of them. The larger society tends to brand you negatively the moment you come clean about issues regarding sex. I’ve seen women branded ‘nymphomaniacs’ and the like, just because they are honest about their sexual feelings/fantasies.
So there you have it. Remember, while it may seem ‘cool’ to lie to your partner and keep secrets from them be warned that they are extremely unhealthy for a relationship. If you wanna be in a relationship with someone you claim to love, they deserve nothing but complete honesty from you.


The Government of Tanzania established Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank Limited (TAD B) under the provisions of the Banking and Financial Institutions Act No 5 of 2006 and the Banking and Financial Institutions (Development Finance) Regulations, 2012. The TADB is incorporated under the Companies Act, Cap 212 of 2002. The primary objective for which the bank is established is to catalyze delivery of various forms of financing to the agricultural sector.
In particular, the bank has the following key objectives:
•    To catalyse credit delivery to the agricultural sector and thereby accelerate agricultural growth;
•    To lead, as an apex agricultural financing bank, in capacity building strategies and programmes to strengthen the agriculture finandal value chain;
•    To be an important initiative in the implementation of the Government's Second Generation Rnancial Sector Reforms (FSAP) as well as in the furtherance of the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty for Mainland Tanzania (MKUKUTA), and Zanzibar Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (MKUZA);
•    To catalyse existing agro-financing activities through provision of short, medium and long-term facilities through the following institutions: commercial banks, community banks, savings and credit cooperative societies (SACCOS) and microfinance institutions (MFIs) that are active in lending to the agricultural sector.
TADB is hereby inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following job vacancies:

Department: Human Resource Department

Reports to: Human Resource and Administration Manager
Duties and Responsibilities:
•    To assist the Human Resource and Administration manager on development and implementation of the bank's Human Resource Management Policies; ~
•    To initiate for Management approval all personnel-related matters across the bank;
•    To co-ordinate the staff selection, recruitment, induction, placement and planning;
•    To develop training plans for the bank and ensure their implementation:
•    To keep records on the proceedings in the disciplinary committee and prepare report;
•    To keep staff and other subject matter files and records for the bank;
•    To provide guidance to both Management and staff on all matters relating to industrial and employee relations including terms and conditions of service, and where necessary initiate disciplinary processes regarding staff;
•    To prepare responses and bank representation to the Commission for Mediation and Arbitration and Labour Tribunal;
•    To verify and update personnel data base on regular basis;
•    To prepare necessary documentation for staff recruitment process or part-time engagements;
•    To facilitate requests of staff loans and other staff benefits as appropriate;
•    To advise on staff training and development and career management programmes
•    To facilitate staff performance appraisal process, salary reviews, benefits administration and rewards programmes
•    To perform any other duties assigned by the Human Resources and Administration Manager or by senior Management.
Minimum Qualifications:
Holder of a Bachelor's degree in Human Resources Management or its equivalent from reputable

Minimum Experience: Experience in personnel management and administration or postgraduate qualifications in relevant field are not mandatory but shall be an added advantage to the holder.

Career Progression: Holder of the position title can compete to fill any vacant senior position, provided he/she possesses the required minimum qualifications and experience

General competencies: Self-motivated and able to work under minimum supervision, possession of multi-tasking skills, computer literacy, customer needs oriented, ethical, diligent worker, team player.

Your application should include application letter, up-to-date CV with full names, contact addresses,
telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of the candidate, certified copies of relevant certificates
including a birth certificate and two reference letters.
All applications must be submitted through postal or couriers services. No application from physical visit by the applicant to the TADS Offices shall be entertained.
Applications should reach the undersigned by 4.00 pm on 26th November 2014

Managing Director,
Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank ltd,
7th Floor Samora Tower, Samora Avenue,
P. O. Box 63372,

The Government of Tanzania established Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank Limited (TAD B) under the provisions of the Banking and Financial Institutions Act No 5 of 2006 and the Banking and Financial Institutions (Development Finance) Regulations, 2012. The TADB is incorporated under the Companies Act, Cap 212 of 2002. The primary objective for which the bank is established is to catalyze delivery of various forms of financing to the agricultural sector.
In particular, the bank has the following key objectives:
•    To catalyse credit delivery to the agricultural sector and thereby accelerate agricultural growth;
•    To lead, as an apex agricultural financing bank, in capacity building strategies and programmes to strengthen the agriculture financial value chain;
•    To be an important initiative in the implementation of the Government's Second Generation Financial Sector Reforms (FSAP) as well as in the furtherance of the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty for Mainland Tanzania (MKUKUTA), and Zanzibar Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (MKUZA);
•    To catalyse existing agro-financing activities through provision of short, medium and long-term facilities through the following institutions: commercial banks, community banks, savings and credit cooperative societies (SACCOS) and microfinance institutions (MFIs) that are active in lending to the agricultural sector.
TADB is hereby inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following job vacancies:
Department: Human Resources and Administration

Reports to: Human Resources and Administration Manager
Duties and Responsibilities:
•    To manage the office of the Managing Director, maintaining office records and reference files on various subjects, ensuring availability of office stationery/equipment or other materials for office use, and ensuring that the Office of the Managing Director is arranged in an orderly and business-like manner;
•    To prioritize, screen and monitor the Managing Director's inward and outward mail and other documents and correspondences, including calls, emails, letters, and fax to ensure they are dealt with appropriately and timely;'
•    To collect and research information on assigned matters and make sure that relevant information is gathered and prepared to brief the Managing Director for meetings and events;
•    To receive and process information of a confidential nature and ensure that such information is maintained in strict confidentiality;
•    To receive, review and verify documents, records, and forms for accuracy, completeness, and conformance to applicable rules, regulations, policies, and procedures;
•    To arrange appointments, receive visitors, answer telephone calls, manage the diary of the Managing Director and respond to routine requests for information;
•    To arrange and schedule meetings, notifying participants, confirming dates and times, reserving
meeting sites, as well as preparing materials needed at the meetings;
•    To assist in organizing conferences, staff get together gatherings, staff parties and other official functions;
•    To assist in making travel reservations for the Managing Director and other
members of staff traveling on official duties;
•    To schedule and receive visitors of the Managing Director;
•    To arrange Board meetings, functions and other events;
•    To provide secretarial support to and prepare presentations for the Managing Director;
•    To maintain good working relationships with other staff in the bank as well as with external customers and stakeholders;
•    To perform any other duties related to the position as may be assigned by the Managing Director from time to time.
Minimum Qualifications: Diploma or Degree in Human Resources, Office Administration Public Administration, Secretarial Duties, Office Management or related field, from a recognized institution.

Minimum Experience:
Possession at least four (4) years of relevant work experience in a reputable institution in a similar position.

Career Progression: The holder of the position title can compete to fill any vacant more senior position, provided he/she possesses the required minimum qualifications and experience.

General competencies: Ability to work under pressure and beyond regular working hours,
self-motivated and able to work under minimum supervision, possession of multi-tasking skills,
computer literacy, customer needs oriented, courteous and pleasant personality, diligent
worker, team player.

Specific competencies:
Typing speed of at least 50 words shorthand, computer proficiency, particularly in Microsoft office programmes, observance of good conduct, ethics and confidentiality, good command of both English and Kiswahili languages.
Your application should include application letter, up-to-date CV with full names, contact addresses,
telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of the candidate, certified copies of relevant certificates
including a birth certificate and two reference letters.
All applications must be submitted through postal or couriers services. No application from physical visit by the applicant to the TADS Offices shall be entertained.
Applications should reach the undersigned by 4.00 pm on 26th November 2014

Managing Director,
Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank ltd,
7th Floor Samora Tower, Samora Avenue,
P. O. Box 63372,