Along with that there are six married women, but this is not very big in women as in men.
Significantly in terms of wanting to enter into marriage, women are many who want to get married than 
for men. That we saw clearly inspired by Celebration awazo have a woman in marriage preparation activities and Weddings.

However, for those few women who marry taken more than these are some of the factors leading to sluggish there. (Note this is for women who have never married at all)

Criteria vilivyopitiliza rates (especially for visibility)

Many women especially the younger (but is not enough to get married) spend a lot of time in choosing the kind of man who would like to have a husband These wake.Wanawake more confident and manage those qualities that believes it is important to marry a man to be with. 

Parameters that are not even on the basis of the appearance of the gentleman - there are those who want to marry this man should have characteristics such as, tall, who supplied the chest, an elegance, good sound, etc. 

It may be a joke and it seemed a very small feature but still there are those who might be ready to get married, but does not want just because the man does fananii such that she wants her husband to be.

Wanting a rich man

There are women who have shajiwekea in mind that he would not agree to marry any other man who has no money.

Is ready to get married, but not to the man with the ability to size - even happens man has little ability to achieve self-sufficiency, he still sees the man just does not fit until he will find one who feels he lived a life of luxury.

So you strive to wait and try to hunt kind of man who would have great potential, no matter if the man very kampita age.

Wilt thou find Male Ampendae

This is just as it is for men who believe marriage is impossible and not recommended, but only until umpatapo whom you love and you believe he loves you too. 

Many in this group believe that a successful marriage is a huge factor just love each other and others to follow because of love. Kunawanawake criteria of what a man should have no relevance at all in the quest to decide to get married.

He wishes he finds it substantially husband who will love him sincerely and with reference to the expectation that the husband will love him, and he also strongly. She believes the best foundation for marriage are intimate between him and she then! Hannah quickly until he kapompata man she loved, then he will be ready for marriage. 

Men too choose to marry (SO Selective)

There are those few who have the mind can change like a chameleon; dissatisfied nor self-awareness is what they want or what sort of man they want. 

Comes the mighty will say I want to pick him, coming powerless to render only because even if blame that shows the Tumi seek development. 

Coming to this tribe, he said no they have this attitude I want! That is simply a person who is not having to give the defects of those who appear to want to marry her.

Finally may occur time to get married and passed and he ended up reducing the monitor but if even the men of suitable age to marry absence again in the market.

Feeling is very good

There are women who are really God kawajaalia particular beauty (beauty of appearance), has been good enough that both men and women are accepted by the beauty and even all lust.

However presently there are those who have a common good - except for a zamowake feels very good there is no example like him; an act which the minority in this group do feel he is he to be for anyone to be with him that one should be aware that he is very lucky. 

This action promotes nyodo of the situation on the woman with this view, so that they appeared men wanting to marry - can behaved like pride, contempt and arrogance.

Feeling has limited Age

Any daughter 18 years or older is allowed to marry only if ratify married.

Women have their living arrangements vary, there are those married at age greatly desires to get married and there are those who like to be married from older.

In this age group will be limited to dependent, there is another that 25 years old and yet he feels younger and no other state has been 20 years and he feels great and he should get married. 

This also is for women who tend to accelerate the reluctance goals in marriage.

When he is old, who can get married, but he is not ready for this time, it is a barrier for him to enter into marriage.

Disease especially AIDS

This is as it is for men - With many mobilized and professionals HIV / AIDS that person even if you have suffered can be attributed to even marry and have children; still does not help too much for young people who self-identify as victims while they are still young, not married / married or ever have a baby. 

Very many discouraged and find it better to stay they than enter into marriage, especially due to the belief that women are victims bore while; health is weakened further.

Wanting life of Drama (Marriage and live happily ever)

Due to the growth in the number of multiple drama that reflects more Westernized lifestyle; there has been a concept for some women want them to have a life of drama to them as well.

That makes the criteria she uses to choose either to accept a man marrying individual from completing what he expects. 

Many people fail to realize that there is no happy life forever, and especially that life should combine with your drama to make the decisions of what Igwe and what left alone as it is.

See the institution of marriage as Slavery

This approach for women with this position, are accompanied by some like these:

- Learning: The type of learning that leads to some to have different interpretations about marriage, rights, obligations, and much more.

- Witnessing couple bad: This may be the parents / guardians its own (perhaps the mother had suffered too much), and even close relatives such as witnessing every marriage of his brother know the woman lived for torture, abuse and a life of misery and oppression.

- Be very capable of self-sufficiency that can kumtimizia to do anything that he wants in life. Him to be a man like her husband sees as a slave.

Completely lack vein sexual feelings

There are those few women who were born in it. They do not have any physical sensation of being able to get a sense of being able to feel or aspire to have sex. 

Many of these types of women becomes very fearful of being close to the man, and for those who have never even tried some see as an act of marriage is a nuisance, harassment and debris. 

So the idea that he is married he intends to make the act of marriage completely kinamvunja constant desire to marry.

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