Talking to those who have already independent life, who do not live with  
their parents, who are plagued by the hand of Mother / Father landlord every six months to three or year .. 

Living ki-bachelor but have lovers. 

In this movie the ki-bachelor plagued and much ,, there who turn ma girl friend Their make as wife ,, this kind of behavior has led to their deluded as males ,, here you find everything girlfriend is depending on you he got kashida bit ooohh baby I want money .. 

Environmental picked we produce them ourselves not start sense daughters among men are ants ,, observe them first and you makes akunyoshee hand. 
If people can manage these things certainly did utayachukia life ki-bachelor and turned the girl friend have a wife, and he also fails to find the courage to count on you for a certain amount unless I its beer .. 

1. Self 
2. Wash 
3. Cleanliness of instruments. 
4. The cleanliness of the room. 

If people can deal with it without relying on help from the girl are you enjoyed greatly the life of ki-bachelor ,, and the issue of marrying you will be judged at the appropriate time, but not for that you need a helper. 

Just think maybe your girlfriend comes kukusalimia day lounge, finds your room is cleaned properly instruments are in an orderly way ,, you wash your clothes and sheets ,, to and fro there ujachoka no savings rice ,, you Kindle kajiko Kako you cook rice and prepare vegetables ie everything you put the same then you download on hotpot yours, then come ye eat if he'd ,, after meals you continue with what you ,, collected the instruments of your leaving you wash them. 

Remember to do so does not get rid of manhood are, learn sponsoring your stuff girlfriend has never kukununua even a spoon all you bought for your money ,, which is ordained sweat to struggle bus morning promptness work. 

Then you try to create an environment of making her feel like you are dependent on more than just one thing I think you know by the bachelor who you possess compound of artisan selemara your room. 

If a bachelor with your mind sound must live for goals you know tomorrow and you'll have a family will live what if you adapted bribe in bachelor you. 

Live with a woman to rule as you have made ​​the calculation ,, after that follows make sure you use a very small amount of money to buy small items that have no cost ,, to mkusahaulisha somewhat see the your presence. 

Except as you are not a coward like me then you are absolutely fixed ,, meaning to her girlfriend he already know you like her fur wallets kubabaishia ,,, then he will not be a slave of fur wallets. 

For this style girl you reason to trust your boy ??? 

And you still have the bachelor colleague had reason to transformed investment

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