REASONS WHY WOMEN desiring to be eaten Tigo .. !!


Tunapoamua do not that we follow the vein, or forced, but it is OUR choice Making ng0no senseless aka 0713 "taboo" in many communities the world not just because inamaanika that is damp and inamadhara serious physical and mental health, but is contrary to the teachings of our faith of religion.

Done closet is your decision you both who love only if you will agree to do so and it is also your privacy you and your partner, there are many couples are doing amazing things with the people we love and we are happy and we increasingly love and people, need more and more each day ... .But These things are "tab0o" ktk communities like Tigo or sensuality / uziNz!

There are some people (men and women) try and then they find they are happy and so they continue and there are others wanted to know "you feel" but they find themselves not happy or one of them is not happy and so they left and never again longer act of mugongo-mugongo.

With that people respect the taboos of their religion, protest and speak badly this act observers of Tigo claim that one woman in four has sex in the back (now this I do not satisfactory lovers or are they happy) ...... .wazoefu help us here .

Facts about Tigo.- not act natural ktk whole issue of ng0no and will thus remember you decided to divide the base to be sure is something you want to do and not do with such "sweetheart" kaomba / he wants ... ..wewe are having major decisions of what you want done bloodstream.

If you feel you are going to do is not "n * atural *" and you do not feel good to share ng0no Tigo then stopped / refused to do so. 

-Mara vessels Tigo ikitanuka due to be made ​​there often is not ijirudi as vaginal since uncreated activity it.

-Many We believe we have made the past is the only gay but no women are happy as oral sex and some masquerades as an alternative to contraception or protect virgin (more ktk Arab society).

Very -Ukizoea beaten back and vessels in expansion, then it is said that you interrupted during childbirth / bearing, not only that, but you might have a problem of leaking urine because it no longer be able to flex your muscles that fail vagina after childbirth.

The important issue is not terrible, but to educate people and let them choose what to rice husks what. Seeing all those condemned or called spoons is done more than what we are allowed to resolve the matter and do.


A woman who underwent this game gets serious complications during childbirth including discharge and need big series while trying to push her baby. 

This event caused great embarrassment woman, the amount of discredit its status before the community.

Age posonga, the greatest need comes without restriction due to muscle sphincter inayobana the rectum to weaken.  

It can cause cancers of the area 'cancer of col0n'.  
Disease UTI, which is infectious in the urinary tract, usually chronic, meaning from a man made consenting and then have sex as usual, the bacteria living in the area come and have serious consequences.  

his loss big man who is carrying the game are can not marry you, it is also easy to declare you to his family and appeared freak in front of people, if you are married your honor decreases within marriage.  
Paparaziwetu inakushauri and opposed with all my power issue of Ng0no senseless (Tigo) but also to respect the choice / decision is yours ... ..wewe EYE body and you do as you wish.  
Shur free-respect and appreciation for your body ... ..usitoe tako Your like a drug to make the husband should go out or love you more ... shame your husband if he found behind families were served well.  
It also can kill a child for such all been pushed out of the breath cut from muscle known as "sphincter" weaken and cause ambane child .

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