National Arts Council (BASATA) which is in charge of art and entertainment industry in the country has seen so pornography and non-moral Artist Shilole Zuwena Mohamed popular as when he made his presentation in Belgium recently.

In those pictures that zimelaaniwa and the majority of Tanzanians in the country through various means, including social networks, Shilole looked at the stage while the organs of genital labels for 

public and further showing behavior that significantly zimefedhehesha and undermining Arts industry and nation as a whole.

In addition, BASATA has drawn complaints by phone and internet communications from Tanzanians living abroad condemning the Artist event. In their contacts have explained that they have disappointed and humiliated by the behavior dirty presented by this artist.

It should be noted that, Shilole is an artist who has registered with the Arts Council of the Nation, so he went abroad before he gets visa is given a letter of introduction as an artist of Tanzania, so he was out of the country is recognized as an artist Tanzanian, does the opposite and on the work of the Arts, He humiliating himself, the work of art and our country well.

In addition, remember that BASATA GET calling and telling this artist due to his character becomes the stage when any impropriety and he promised change and abandon the practice laundering. So keep him doing these events and is now on the ground in other countries is proof that he has changed and so has continued to weaken Arts Tanzanian artists who recognize and respect the art as another job.

BASATA likes to explain that;

call her  once again asked him to express himself why he did show that the kujidhalilisha and humiliating the dignity of the woman, an artist and art in general

If his explanation yataridhisha severe disciplinary action will be taken against him because he has already shadhihirisha that he do, not Art and deep relationship with the work of art that has its dignity and requires creativity, professionalism and self-awareness

BASATA linawakumbusha all artists in that Art is work as other work but lately many artists have been violated terms of conduct by making inappropriate dirty work before the community of Tanzanians who love and respect the work of art with a deck. Tuungane collectively denounce the dirty work produced by artists who self-identify as a matter of ethics is a crosscutting issue and begins at the family level.

In addition, all artists BASATA calls in compliance with the laws, rules and regulations once they received official invitations to go abroad. Linawakumbusha that it is impossible artist using pornography and pitiful dress and showing the vacuum in the pull fans.

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