DO HOW CAN YOU WILL DO IN moon / IN YOUR DAYS IN AMA being used .... ?? AND HAVE CONSEQUENCES SITAPATA .. ??? is my hope to stop him grow a lot and goes kuimalizia your weeknd there was poukiwa and tele fuaraha! Today I have seen speak for This matter very short and the matter is this ... down with it yourself! Kungonoka during Menstruation For some women when approaching get your days you during the monthly period or has completed itching are so many fantastic and it becomes difficult to adopt a whole week without " services "and thus are forced to have sex with hedhini.Natambua there watuwanaamini that menses are dirt as well as due to the belief dini.Kwanza you should remove the belief that function blood menstruation is dirt as not dirty, it actually tend to smell bad if you from changing" diapers "your over 6 hours It is advisable to switch every three hours to make sure you jiswafisha at least three times a day (I mean the shower and remove the remnants of blood in the vagina) Since ktk this period rut becomes abundantly then even the sweetness of sex becomes more and also can be "free" against pregnancy only if the date your treasures secret meeting (variable) otherwise do not dare because sometimes menstruation begins becomes not menstruation but shock / stress and menstruation may begin the next day or 3 days later so you should be sure that your blood is menstrual (note the date and avoid giving himself "stress" non-mandatory) .Ngono ktk this period are made as kawaidaila difference is that you should kujiswafi and make sure all the residue of blood, vaginal unavailable (until you see the finger comes from clean without a drop of blood) , where the bed lay a towel or cloth / Khangas clenched to kutochafua down and let him have made a good mapenzi.Mkao do during menstruation is "spo * ony" (lying side man becomes your back), the death of cockroaches .... but if you below do not expand too much foot and do not ikunje as V.Ikiwa you are experiencing stomach problems of menstruation then having sex during your days reduces pain yo.Baadhi of men enjoy sex while its / their partners your menstrual period about claiming kuwasogeza closer due to the "nature "I beg widely understood in this ... zingtieni very hygienic women you guys all day not a single pad ...... ooh Amara and muoge badilishen times and do not forget kujiswafi same ions to remove residual grandmother existing ... and then you will enjoy and continue give your boy mautamu those who wish for the day if you dooo your ... mi just finished and already made yangu..hebu with you do you!

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